Kou's nightmare

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   The boys had decided that I would stay with Kou for the night. I haven't really been around him and I don't really know a lot about him.
   When we got to his room, he asked if me if I could help get his shirt off. He always had trouble with the buttons and could never get them.
   When he got his shirt off, I saw whip marks all over his back. While he was placing his clothes in his closet, I walked up too him and traced the largest scar. His back tensed up and he turned to look at me.
   "Where did these come from?" I asked him.
   "When you look as gorgeous as me, rich people would pay for your body too." He said in a whisper before he lifted my hand off and pushed it towards me.
   I just nodded my head and when he went over to the bed in the middle of the room, I walked into the bathroom and changed into a blue short sleeve shirt and shorts.
   When I walked out, Kou was already asleep and he looked so peaceful laying there with the moon light shining on his face. His blonde hair was over his eyes so I couldn't see them, even if they were closed.
   I walked over to the bed and climbed in. Kou stayed on his side of the bed, which was odd because all of the brothers usually snuggled up too me to hear my heart beat.
   After looking at Kou for a while, I finally drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

   I woke up too the sound of someone in pain. It was coming from behind me and I knew who it was. I turned around and saw that Kou was gripping the sheets in a death like grip.
   I went to touch him, but when he yelled out stop, I knew that it was a flashback. So I decided against it. I knew what would happen if he accidentally hit me. All of them were strong.
   I went to move back, but a hand on my arm stopped me. I looked down to see the Kou had latched onto my arm and he looked scared. I took my arm out of his grasp before bringing him up to listen to my heart beat.
   Then I started to sing. It was a slow song and I sang it for people who had bad pasts. It seemed that Kou needed it right about now.

*Start Song*

While I sang the song, I brushed Kou's hair away from his face and I saw that his face was starting to relax. When he finally relaxed completely, I laid both of us down and fell into a peaceful sleep.

(Mystery Person's POV)

I looked into the window and Kou wrapped around MY MATE and MY MATE singing to him. I was the only one that she could sing to. I was the only one that could snuggle up to her like that.
   "Mark my words, brothers of Karlhienz, you will regret the day you ever touched Isabella," I thought.
   When I knew that Isabella would be safe, I jumped off the window and onto the leaf covered ground and ran into the woods behind the house.
   The time had come to take what was rightfully mine and no one was going to stand in my way.

Sorry that I haven't written in a while. It's almost the end of the year and I just had testing almost all week this week and school has just been hectic.
   So I hope that you enjoy this chapter and I wonder if you can figure out who Mystery Person is... 

   Farewell for now my little Rose's!


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