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   Sorry, I know I haven't been updating a lot but I haven't had the time. I work two jobs on the weekend and have school all week to follow that. And, I have run out of ideas for this story, so I think I'm going to end the book here.

   But,  I think that y'all deserve some closer so I'm going to write the last chapter sometime if I have time.

   And, I'm also going to ask y'all what you guys want the next book to be about, and because I'm on Pinterest a lot, I find these great writing prompts.

Prompt one:

   "You live in a world where your soulmate is unable to hurt you internally or otherwise. You are fighting in a war when the enemy's knives harmlessly glances off you"

Prompt two:

   "At the age of 13, children are able to summon their familiars for the first time. Your family has always been ridiculed for weak and useless familiars until the day of your 13th birthday when you summon your familiar for the first time,"

Prompt three:

   "Death is looking for a pet,
He chooses you,"

Prompt four:

Mystery prompt!!

So, for prompt one,

   Vote here

Prompt two,

   Vote here

Prompt three,

   Vote here

Prompt four,

   Vote here

And just to let you know, they will all probably be a gay story because why not? And because who doesn't love a little romance between two boys, am I right? It'll be just like Yuri on ice, which I can't wait for season two to come out! I'm still waiting! So sad....

Anywho, hope y'all at least vote.... and you like the prompts I presented to you. I can always get more, or just surprise you... *Evil laughter*

And I will try and finish this story as soon as possible. Before I start anymore new ones! I promise this!


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