Learning the truth

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   The boys told me that last night I had been hallucinating. I was saying things like, "get them away from me," and stuff like that.
   I didn't remember anything about that night and when the boys told me, I was surprised that I would do something like that.
   I was usually a calm person and that made me go out of my mind for some reason.
   After they told me, I stayed silent and went to the library, where I've been sitting for the past two hours.
   They knew that I wanted to be left alone and that they would be beat if they came to find me.
  While sitting in the library, a bright light shone from the back of the room and Rebecca walked out from behind a bookshelf seconds later.
   She came to sit by me on the window seat and when she looked me in the eyes, I started to breakdown.
   She hugged me and let me cry on her shoulder. I had never let my emotions get the best of me, but this was one of those times.
   "Do you know why I came to you today, Isabella?" Rebecca asked
   I just shook my head at her while trying to dry my tears and looking at her at the same time.
   "I came here because someone else is trying to kill you, besides that Ritcher guy a few months ago." She said.
   I just starred at her and then nodded. She took my hand and stood up, dragging me with her.
   "They boys need to know, now. So they can protect you from whomever this is." She said as she walked out of the library with me in tow.
   All ten of the boys plus Yui were sitting in the living room, waiting for me to return to the land of the living.
   When they heard Rebecca and I enter the room, they all turned to look and when they saw Rebecca, they must have known what she was because they hissed and placed Yui behind them.
   "No, it's ok you guys, she's my friend. She brought me to this world." I said as Rebecca gave a small wave in their direction and a small smile.
   "Well, what's she doing here?" Subaru asked from his spot on the wall.
   "I am here because someone is trying to kill Isabella and you all need to protect her."
   When Rebecca said that, all ten boys were on their feet and walking towards where I was standing.
   Shu took my arm and placed me behind him while the rest of the brothers put Yui and me in the middle of them, forming a circle while still facing Rebecca.
   "Who is this person so that I can rip his head of and use it as a dining room table decoration." Reiji said as he stood on my left.
   "I don't know, but don't let Isabella or Yui out of your sight." Rebecca said.
   All the boys nodded and then Rebecca was gone in the wind while the rest of us were thinking of who this mysterious person could be.

Sorry that I haven't written in a while. Some stuff at home is being dealt with right now and that has been taking up most of my time.

I still love Y'all!!!


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