Getting on a witches bad side, not the best Idea...

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I was walking home from school when I bumped into someone walking the opposite way.
When I got a good look at the person, I realized that the person I had bumped into was the nerd from my school.
"Watch where your going, freak." I said and with a glare, I walked past her as she picked up all the books she dropped.
She mumbled something that sounded like "You'll be sorry for what you have done" or something like that, but I didn't think twice about it.
I got home, did any work that I needed to get done and then went to my room to relax until my parents fell asleep so I could sneak over to Rachel's house for that party tonight.
I was starting to fall asleep when I heard my window creak open.
My eyes shot open to find the nerds face looming over mine.
"What are you doing here?" I asked in a low voice so that I wouldn't wake my parents.
"I'm here to deliver your much needed concequences." She looked at me with disgust written on her face
  "What are planning on doing to me?" I asked as she came closer to my bed.
  "I'm going to send you to some place where no one can find you until you finish what I am now about to start." She said as she raised her had towards me and smiled.
  "Isabella, for all the pain you have brought on others, you shall feel that pain. If you don't get all ten of the brothers to care for you, you will slowly lose your memory and forget all about your life here."
  As she said those words, a large void opened underneath me. I looked down in horror and tried to scramble off the bed, but Rachel, I think her name was, pulled me up by the coller. She put her lips up to my ear and whispered something in my ear that I will never forget.
  "You only have six months left" before she pushed me into the opening.
  I just looked her in the eyes as I fell. I was thinking that I would hit the ground hard, but that didin't happen because something, or someone, broke my fall.
  That something or someone groned under me from my weight. I looked down to see redish hair. "Oh, great, I fell on soeone and I haven't even been here for over a minute, I mean, I know I'm clumsy, but come on!" I thought as I got off the person and stood up.
  "WHAT THE HELL!?" Red head scramed as he looked up at me with green cat like eyes, and somehow, I felt like I've seen him before, but I can't quite remember where from.
  "Who do we have here?" Asked someone from behind me. I looked behind to someone with a fedora and the same color eyes and hair sitting behind me on a couch, which seemed to be in some sort of sitting room.
  I looked up from where I had fallen and saw Robin, I don't even remeber her name, smiling down at me and whispered, "six months" before the hole in the ceiling disappered.
  When I looked back down, my head pounded and I fell to the ground, holding my head in both my hands.
  "NOOO, BRING ME BACK HOME NOW, REBECCA!!!!!!! I finally remembered her name after she stuck me in this crappy place.
  A voice from far away kept shouting at me, but I didn't hear what it said before everything went black and I fell into a dreamless sleep.
                            *********                                                             I woke to find myself in a strange room. The walls were painted a dark navvy blue and the carpet was a shade lighter then the walls. There was a dresser on the wall to my left and night stand on the right side of my bed. I was laying in a king sized bed with black sheet and grey pillows.
  I threw the sheets off of me and saw that I was wearing a pink night gown. "HELL NO!" I thought as I stormed down stairs, which I had to search threw MANY doors to find a flipping stair case.
  I walked into the sitting room to find ten boys sitting or standing... or laying...
  They all looked up at me when I threw open the door. "WHO THE HELL CHANGED ME?!?" I yelled as I stalked forward. The pervet with the red hair raised his hand with a smirk. "I'm going to wipe that damn smirk off his face" I thought as I faked smiled and walked up to him.

I lifted up my hand, turned it into a fist and punched that damn smirk off his face. He fell backwards and I climbed onto him and straddled him.(No dirty thoughts!!!). I kept throwing punch after punch until an arm wraped around my waist and lifted me off him. I tried to hit the person behind me, but they caught my arms against my cheast so that I coudn't hit anyone.
  "You better let go off my before I cut off your manlyhood and feed it to you" I growled at the peron who held me. All I heard was a laugh then myself being carried away while red head was trying to stand up.
  His hair was a mess, his fadorea was on the floor and blood was leaking out of the side of his mouth.
  He glared at me while I just smirked.
  I knew that my stay here was going to be long and painful, but if I got to beat up pervert everyday, then I think I could survive.

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