Something Big is Coming......

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   The forest above is what I imagine it looks like after the man disappears into the forest ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


   It was dark. Small white flecks, almost like snow, was raining down from the black sky. Then, there was a light. A voice spoke to me, but I couldn't hear what it said. It sounded like a man.
Then, the light disappeared. And I was left alone again. It got cold, but I knew that I had to get up. Something in the back of my mind kept telling me to get up.
So, I got up. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, then my feet. It was still snowing and it was getting stuck in my hair and making it damp.
I started to slowly walk towards where the light had gone. It was no where to be found by sight, but I could hear the voice. It was getting closer and closer the longer I walked.
When I got to where the voice was the loudest, a bright light made me loose me vision for a few seconds before finding myself in a snowy forest.
In the distance, there was a man and a child talking about something. They were too far away, so I couldn't hear what they were saying. I walked closer to them to try and hear what they were saying.
"Isabella, you need to stay here. I took you from your mother and I want you to make sure that you stay away from Cordelia. Promise me Isabella!"
"I promise PaPa. But I don't want you too leave me! Why do you have to leave me too?" The child asked as the man set her down.
"Because I have to go and take care of your ten brothers. They need me more then you need me. Your more independent and intelligent to stay with me. I love you Isabella. Stay safe my love"
After he said that, he turned his back to the child and walked away into the forest. His figure then vanished into the snow. Almost like he wasn't even there to behind with.
I looked down at the child and was shocked. It was me. When I was little. But I didn't remember any of this.
The child, me, looked around her and then started to walk the opposite direction of the man. After walking for hours and the sun had gone down by now, we finally made it to a road.
There were no cars coming down the road and all was quiet. Then, the sound of tires on blacktop was heard from our right. I looked over to where the sound was coming from, and so did little me.
A car, that I realized was my parents car, came into view. It was speeding, but when it got close enough for them to spot me, it slowed down.
My mother got out of the passenger side when the car stopped and my father stayed in the car. She walked up to me with a blanket and asked if I knew where my parents were.
I told her that I didn't know and she looked all around before wrapping me up in the blanket and then taking me to the car.
I heard a twig snap when my mother and little me got to the car. They were too far to hear, but I heard it and looked over my shoulder for the noise.
It was the man that had walked away from me in the forest. He was watching the car drive away before looking right at me, almost like he knew I was there.
I looked at him with wide eyes before everything went black. Then a bright light lit up my vision and

I was back in the real world. All ten brothers were sleeping around me bed and Yui was sleeping on my right side.
I pushed her off my bed and that woke everyone up. They all looked at me with wide eyes before Kanato jumped up and hugged me.
The bags under his eyes were prominent, like her hadn't slept a wink of sleep while I was gone. I brushed his hair out of his eyes and let him cry into my shoulder until he fell asleep. I then laid him down on the bed and sat up.
"What happened to me?" I asked
"We don't know. We just saw you pass out."
"How long was I put for?" I asked as I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
"You were out for five days."
I just looked at them before nodding and going into the bathroom to do my business before coming back out to lay with Kanato on the bed while everyone went outside.
I then feel asleep, even though I had been sleeping for days now. But I felt exhausted.
"Something big is coming," I thought right before I feel asleep.

(Mystery P. O. V.)
She knows. She knows who she really is. Now I hope that she figures out what to do with her mind. Because Cordelia is coming for what is hers and someone needs to stop her.
"Please make sure that all of you are safe Isabella. For the sake of me, your father,"
And with a gust of wind, the man standing at the edge of the forest vanished for the second time in the girls life.

Alright, I hope that was a good long chapter before I go on my trip. I tried to make it long enough so that you all can read it. I hope you like it!!!!

PlayingLove ❤️💕❤️💕

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