Only one month left...

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  School was s**t. I had to sit with Shu and Ayato breathing down my ear again. They made sure that I sat in between them so I couldn't make a run for it.
  Reiji was surprised that Shu even stayed in class when he usually skips everyday.
  Both of them walked with me to lunch, which I ordered the biggest burger they had because all we ever ate at the house was health crap.
I put ketchup, onions, pickles, and anything else that I could find.
All ten of the brothers and Yui were staring at me like I was crazy.
"What, all I ever eat at the mansion is healthy crap and I wanted a burger so STOP STARING AT ME!!" I yelled while I threw a pickle at Butler Mans face.
It slid down his face and left a ketchup trail.
I was laughing my a** off while everyone looked on in shock.
Reiji knew that he couldn't do anything because when I said "Try to touch me, you AND your stupid tea cup set will be out the window. And this time, I won't miss." His eyes widened and he looked back down at his food.
Everyone just sat there, wides eyed and silent, while I ate my burger with a smile.
It was finally the end of the school day and I couldn't wait to walk home because I refused to ride in it.
I hid in the empty music room where apparently no one entered.
There was a beautiful black grand piano in the middle of the room.
I sat down and started to play a song that my father had taught me.
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  When I finished that song, something wet was falling on my face.
  I looked down at my arm and saw five rose petals on my arm.
  "Only five months left." I thought to myself as I stated at the piano keys.
  "You play beautifully." A quiet voice said behind me.
  I jumped and turned around to see Shu.
  "Yeah, my dad taught me to play, but I don't play anymore." I said as I turned back around and wiped away my tears.
  "Why don't you play anymore?" He asked as he came to sit next to me on the bench.
  "I always used to play for my grandmother before she died and playing reminded me too much about her, so I just stopped." I said in the same quiet voice as Shu.
  "We should get going, the limo is waiting." He said as he stood up from the bench and started to walk towards the door.
  I laughed at that and stated on the bench.
  "No way in h**l am I getting in that stupid limo." I said with sass.
  Mr.Lazy just shook his head, walked back over to me and picked me up bridal style.
  "SHU, PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled it in his ears, but he just hmped and kept walking.
  I just gave up and held onto his neck so I wouldn't fall.
  We walked outside and too the limo where he set me in between himself and Ayato again.
  I just sat there and listened to music.
  When we got home, I went to my room and sat in my bed.
  I looked at the rose buds and frowned.
  "I only have one month left to get them all to care about me." I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

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