Alright, let's talk.... about anime

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   So, in May, there is going to be an anime convention in Minneapolis. I will be going......


I will be going as the one and only...............

Shu Sakamaki.

He is my favorite character from Diabolik Lovers and I can not wait for the convention. Me and my friends are going to go and have a blast.
   When I finish my costume for Shu, I'll post it and I'll tell you all about the convention because.... OMG!!!!!!
I hope that you all are having a wonderful day and I hope that some of you get to go to the convention.

Bye bye!!!


P.S. If you want to meet me, dress as a Diabolik lover character and I don't know, draw a combat waffle. They are a thing that me and my friends came up with and they are amazing.

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