Who is Cordelia?

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   When I awoke again, everyone, except for Kanato, was gone. Kanato was sleeping on my right side and the door was on my left. So I gently moved him off me before getting up and walking out the door.
   When I got downstairs, everyone was sitting in the living room. Shu was laying down on a long couch with his headphones in. Ayato and Yui were sitting down on another couch. Ruki, Azusa, Kou, and Yuma were all sitting on a couch together. Reiji was standing behind the couch that Shu was on. Latio sat in a couch with his feet hanging off the side of the arm. Subaru was standing and looking out the window.
   I walked over to where Shu was and pushed him off before laying there myself. He got up off the ground and huffed before pushing me up and my feet off and sitting next to me.
   Before anyone spoke, the sound of crashing came from upstairs. A few moments later, Kanato ran down the stairs and looked around like a wild animal before he spotted me and ran over to jump into my lap. He had become very clingy since I let him sleep with me that one night months ago.
   I petted his hair and hummed a song to him and seconds later, he was out like a light, clinging to my shirt. I sighed and rolled my eyes before looking at everyone else and asking the question I had been dying to ask them since my dream/flashback thing that I had.
"So, who's Cordelia?" I asked without looking at any of them.
When I said her name, each and every one of them froze, but Kanato also woke up, his eyes open wide and looking at me with fear.
"Where did you hear that name from?" Ayato asked as he looked at the ground, his hands clenched into fists.
"I heard it in my flashback/dream thing while I was out. A man who claimed to be my father told me not to talk to somebody named Cordelia."
All of the boys then sat there in silence. The only sound was me and Yui's breathing. Then Ayato and Laito got up and walked into the hallway before disappearing. Then, they walked back in with a box in Ayato's hands.
   "This is the box containing pictures of Cordelia. Laito's, Kanto's, and I's mother." He said as he set the box on my lap.
   Kanato looked at me with sadness as he pulled a piece of string from around his neck. When he finally showed what was on the string, I saw that it was a key to something. He looked at the key for a second before looking over at me.
   He then put the string around my neck and put the key underneath my shirt. He leaned in to my ear and whispered in my ear so only I can hear.
   "This key is for when you are alone. Open the box and look into a past of pain and sorrow. In this box is all ten of our pasts and they are not the happiest memories. Good luck." He said before taking the box and set it on the floor before curling back up on my lap.
   I looked at all the boys and nodded before everyone went their separate ways. Me and Kanato sat on the couch for a little while longer before I woke him up and brought him up to his room.
   I help him lay down on his bed and covered him with the sheets and a blanket from my room over him. Then, I sat on the side of his bed and sang to him.
   You are my sunshine
   My only sunshine
   You make me happy when skies are grey
   You never know dear, how much I love you
   So please don't take my sunshine away
   After I sang to him, he was out cold and looked peaceful. I slowly got up off the bed and walked out of the room. When I had gotten the blanket from my room, I had put the box on my bed.
   When I got to my room, I looked at the box and then at the key around my neck. I took the box in my hands and put it under my bed, thinking that I would look at it another time.
   Then, I heard someone. It wasn't one of the brothers or Yui, but an older man. He was singing. The song that I sang to Kanato when he couldn't fall asleep the first time.

(^^^ This is the song, by the way)

I walked over to the window and saw the same man from my flashback/dream thing. He was sitting on the bench near the roses. He stopped sing and looked up at the window I was watching him through, like he knew I was there.

   He had black hair with bangs that went over his eyes

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He had black hair with bangs that went over his eyes. He wore a black scarf and jeans. His eyes were glowing red, but then they changed to a chocolate brown. He was beautiful.
He smiled up at me, but when I blinked my eyes, he was gone. Almost like he was never there. Leaves by the bench swept across the grass, even though there wasn't a breeze.
I got goosebumps on my arms when I looked around. I had the feeling that someone was watching me, even though I know that the brothers wouldn't let anyone in the mansion or near me.
I backed away from the window and over to my dresser to get my pajamas. I then went into the bathroom to get dressed. My pajamas bottoms were soft and warm and my shirt was a large t-shirt that I borrowed from Subaru. It smelt like roses.
I got into bed and tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. There was that feeling of not being alone. After an hour and a half, I got up out of bed and walked into the hallway. Before I even decided who I wanted to sleep with for the night, Yuma walked out of the hallway bathroom and started to walk towards me.
"Tch, what are you doing out here?" He asked in a growl.
"I don't want to sleep alone tonight. I think that someone is watching me." I said as I walked over to him.
He looked down at me before walking into my room, after telling me to stay in the hall, and looked around before walking back out and closing my door.
"There was no one in there, but it smelt like someone was in there. Whoever they are, their gone."
I nodded my head and started to walk towards Kanato's room but I got stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that Yuma was looking at me.
"You can come and stay with me. My room is closer then any other room." He said before turning around and walking towards his room. I had never been there, so I followed closely behind him.
He was right. His room was right around the corner. The door was cracked open and a light shone through the crack.
I walked in behind him and sat down on his bed. He walked over to me and sat down next to me.
"You should get some sleep. I'll make sure that nothing happens to you." He said and then went into his closet.
I laid down under the covers and started to slowly fall asleep. Before I feel fully asleep, I felt an arm snake around my waist. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Yuma. He looked at me, and smirked before closing his yes and falling asleep.
I turned back around and smiled before falling asleep. I felt safe with Yuma. I knew that all the brothers would keep me safe.

I hope that's a long enough chapter for when I'm gone. I'm getting on my plane tomorrow and I wanted to make sure that you guys had a long chapter before I left.
I'll make sure to get another chapter when I come back!!!

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