Help me..... please...

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I had just woken up to the soft sounds of Yuma breathing. His arm was wrapped loosely around my waist and his breathes hit the back of my neck. I pushed his arm off my waist gently before getting up and walking to the bathroom to relieve myself.
When I was done with that, I put on some skinny jeans and a black tee shirt before putting my converse on and walking into the hallway, only to stop at the sound of footsteps. I turned my head to look down the hallway and saw my father. I looked at him for a few seconds and closed my eyes before opening them again, thinking I was dreaming. But when I opened my eyes, he was still there.
"Isabella, I have come for you. I have your memories. Come with me and I will show you," he said as he held his hand out.
I looked at him for a second before a door behind me opened. I looked over my shoulder to see that Kou had walked out in nothing but his boxers.
   "Isabella? Who are you talking too?" He asked as he looked down the hallway before looking back at me.
   I turned my head around to look over at Derek, but I saw that he was gone. I looked back and forth, but I saw no sign of him.
   "No one. I wasn't talking to anyone. So, would you like to have some breakfast?" I asked as he nodded his head and went back into his room, probably to get dressed. I waited outside for him to come back out and when he did, I lead the way too the kitchen where I mixed some pancake batter and fried some bacon in a pan. The smell wafted up and soon I heard doors open and feet walk down the stairs.
   Kou was sitting in the kitchen and watching me. It seemed that everyone in the house liked to watch me cook because it was relaxing. So I let one person in the kitchen at a time and cooked them the meal that they wanted for that night or morning.
  "So, how did you sleep Kou?" I asked as I broke an egg and placed it in the pan, listening to it sizzle.
   "Not so well. I had a nightmare," Kou said as he looked down at the counter.
   When I looked at him closely, I did notice that he had dark circles under his eyes. I gave him a small smile before going back to making breakfast.
   When I was done, I set the table and called everyone into the dinning room. I sat between Shu and Ayato with Yuki sitting across from me and Latio and Kaito sitting next to her. Reiji day on one end of the table and Ruki in the other. The rest just filled in. I dug into my plate and washed the dishes after everyone was done.
   I walked upstairs to see Derek standing there again. I looked at him from across the hall and when I started to call for someone, Derek was suddenly in front of me.
   He grabbed my neck and took me to one of the balconies, where he then jumped off and landed on his feet.
   "Shu! Reiji! Subaru! Anyone!" I yelled to them as Derek was dragging me away.
   I heard the back door open and all the brothers run out and then look in my direction. They started to run faster and when Shu got closer to me, I reached my hand out to him and tried to grab it.
   "Shu! Help, please!"
   Before anything else happened, I felt a pain in my head and I blacked out.

Sorry that I haven't been writing very often. I've had school and I'm also been handling some personal things. I've also been sick so I had to take a few days to take care of my health. Well, I hope you like the chapter and I promise I will try and get more out.


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