Friends and Friends!!!!

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   I, being the unsocial potato that I am, just got Snapchat. You know, I never really got Snapchat but if anyone that reads my story want to be friends with my on there.....

And, just to give you something pretty to look at, look at this

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And, just to give you something pretty to look at, look at this.....

I was watching the sunset yesterday with my brother and I couldn't resist the temptation to take pictures

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I was watching the sunset yesterday with my brother and I couldn't resist the temptation to take pictures. It was so beautiful, and there was a rainbow behind it.
I hope you all like the sunset, because that is my favorite thing to do, watching the sunset.
Have a great day and I'll see you..... whenever I decide to upload another chapter, whenever that is......
I'm gonna go now..... bye!!!!

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