Stop harming yourself and live

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  (Self-harm included. If you are Sensitive to it, DO NOT READ!!) 
  I was walking down to the library to do some midnight reading, or in my case, afternoon reading, when I heard a small laugh come from the bathroom.
  I opened the door and saw Azusa with a knife and blood on the floor.
  He was leaning over the bathtub full of water and blood was dripping down his arm from cuts in his wrist.
  "I guess I won't get any reading in today." I thought as I walked over to Azusa with a sigh. I grabbed the knife out of his hand, wiped the blood off with a towel and stuck it in my back pocket.
  "Isabella... What are... You doing?" He asked me.
  "I'm making sure that you don't kill yourself before my quest is done." "I need you Azusa and if you kill yourself now, I'll be stuck here forever." I said as I grabbed his upper arm and started to drag him out of the room and to my room.
  "I'm going to bandage you up, and I will be keeping a close eye on all the knifes, you hear me?" I said as I sat him down on the bed and walked to my bathroom.
  I grabbed bandages and Neosporin for his cuts. I walked back into my room and saw Azusa with another knife, trying to harm himself again.
  I sighed, rolled my eyes and walked over to him, taking the knife out of his hands and put it with the other knife.
  "Cough em up." I said as I held out my empty hand to grabbed them all.
  He sighed and produced four more knifes. I took them and set them on my dresser, but kept a close eye on them.
  I started to bandage up his cuts when I noticed him tipping over. I looked up to see that he had fallen asleep.
  I smiled and finished up the job before laying him down on my bed. I pulled the sheets up and tucked him in.
  I'm a softy for people like that, don't be judging!
  I pushed his bangs to the right side of his face and kissed his forehead before walking to the door.
  "You have an impact on this world, but if you cut it short, you may never know what the impact is. I hope you listen to my words and stop harming your self because there is so much more to live for." I said with a small sigh and shut the door. I had to go and hide the knifes somewhere, but I'm not going to tell you because that will play an important part I the future.
  I left the room, not realizing the Azusa was awake and had heard everything you said, with tears escaping his eyes silently.

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