Hello Crazy, nice to meet ya

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I woke up to Subaru snoring next to my ear. His arm was around my waist and his chest was up against my back. I shook my head before getting out of bed, but couldn't with his stupid arm in the way.
I had to pee really badly and I need to go. I pushed his arm off and walked over to the bathroom while doing the "I have to piss so get outta the way," dance.
I finally got to the bathroom and did my business. I washed my hands and then walked back over to the door. But before I could get through the actual door, a hand covered my mouth and pulled me back.
I started to scream until warm breath was in my ear.
"Stop screaming or I kill them all," the voice said.
I just rolled my eyes at that because I would kill crazy person before he could lay a finger on any of the brothers or Yui.
   I took his hand off of my mouth and turned around to see a fairly attractive boy. He looked around my age and he was shorter than me, which was kinda funny.
   I looked him up and down before quietly laughing and walking away. He stood there with a confused look on his face before he teleported or whatever in front of me.
   "Seriously kid, what do you want from me?" I asked him as we stood looking at each other.
   He walked closer to me and brought his head up to my left ear.
   "Your my mate, and I will have you before the end of the 12 month." He said in a deep voice that was meant to sound scary.
   "Don't you mean December?" I asked him when he went down to his normal size and disappeared.
   "Well, I should get to bed." I thought to myself as I walked back into the main bedroom. Subaru was sitting up on the bed and looking at the door that I had just walked through.
   "Who was that?" He asked as he stood up and walked over to check it out.
   "Just some kid that thought I was his mate, no big deal." I said as I walked over to the bed and laid down.
   "I have to tell the others about this." Subaru mumbled to himself.
   "Wai-" I started to say before he disappeared. I rolled my eyes and went back to laying on the bed.
   A few moments later, all ten of the brothers and Yui were in my room, looking around for any sign of the boy that was just here.
   "Well, we can all agree on one thing," Subaru said.
   All of the brothers looked at Yui and I before they nodded. Shu took my arm and Ayato took Yui's arm.
   Shu took me to his room and Yui, to Ayato's room. Yui never slept with one of the brothers watching over her, but I guess this gave the brothers quite a scare.
   Shu pushed me over to his bed and he walked into his closet. When he returned, he had one of his sweaters in his hand. He gave it to me and made a motion telling me to put it on.
   "Why do I have to put this on?" I asked him as I held it in my hand.
   "Because when you have my scent, you're harder to find." He said before he walked over to the bed and laid down. I rolled my eyes and put the sweater on before climbing into bed with Shu.
   He put his head right above my heartbeat, just like the rest of his brothers, and smiled at the life I had. He was starting to love, and starting to get a heartbeat. He and his brothers were also getting warmer. Me and Yui were slowly melting their hearts, but by bit.
   "Good night Isabella." Shu said as he floated away into la la land. His music could be heard from where I was. He smiled, like he knew what I was thinking and put his other headphone in my ear.
   He then laid a soft blanket over us and I snuggled deeper into the warmth of the bed and Shu.
   It was playing classical music and it was soothing. I started to sing along and before long, I was asleep with Shu by my side and the knowledge that Yui was safe.

(Mystery Boys POV)
   I need to get rid of him and his stupid brothers. They're all getting in the way of my mate and I need her.
   Her smell, it was so intoxicating and I wanted more, need more, of her to be able to survive.
   Her hair, blowing in the wind and her soft skin, laying under MY arm and not theirs.
   She is mine and I am hers. And I will get her, even if I have to take her by force.

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