Your just a rose, waiting to bloom

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Subaru was outside in the rose garden.
I was sitting on the lower floor of the mansion, near the back where I could see him.
I walked out the back door to the gardens.
I could smell the damp soil and the white roses and the rain that was soon to come.
Subaru was sitting at a bench facing a tower.
Green vines grew up the tower to a little window near the top of it.
Subaru had a white rose in hit right hand and a knife in his left.
I sat next to him and took his hand with the knife. I took the knife out of his hand and placed it on the other side of me.
Subaru looked at me in confusion as a tear fell from his eye.
I just gave him a sad smile as I brought my hand up to his face and wiped away the tear with my pointer finger.
A blush painted itself on Subarus face as he looked back up to the tower and sighed.
  "Was it your mother up in the tower?" I asked him after a few minutes of silence.
  "H-How did you know?" He whispered with a surprised look on his face when he whipped his head away from the tower to look at me.
  "Just the way you hold yourself. You build up all these walls and try your hardest to keep people out." I said to him while I stared up at the tower.
  Subaru just looked at me with surprise, then did something equally surprising.
  Subaru laid his head on my shoulder, "his hair is so soft..." And slowly fell asleep.
  Soft snores could be heard from him and I just petted his soft hair.
  "Your a good person, and your capable  of love, your just a late bloomer." I whispered into his ear as I fell asleep on his shoulder.
  (Third Person)
  Subaru felt a tear roll down his face from what Isabella had said.
  His mother had told him that he was a mistake and no one would love him.
  But Isabella had said that even he was capable of loving, which he had never had.
  Subaru looked at her brown hair which had a small curl to it.
  Her blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight because we were always asleep during the day.
  "What is she going to do when we go back to school?" Subaru thought as he fell back into his dreamless sleep.

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