Someone is watching me...

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I was walking out in the garden when I felt the presence of eyes on me.
(Does anyone else get that feeling when you alone?)
I looked behind me to see nothing. I turned to my right and left, but still saw nothing.
The house was at least 50 feet away, and I had no where to hide in all these bushes.
I slowly started to make my way back towards the mansion when I heard the pound snap of a branch behind me.
I knew that I had to stay calm, so I slowly walked around and looked at the white roses that surrounded the mansion.
  Temper Tantrum, aka Subaru, was always out here by that tower on my left, so I decided that I would go and find him, and fast.
  I walked down the path towards the tower.
  I looked all around, but didn't see Subaru anywhere.
  I sighed and kept walking towards the mansion.
  I don't normally get scared like this, but this time, it was different. I was alone, outside next to the woods, at night, and I'll admit, I was scared.
  There was another loud snap behind me and I held my breath. I tried to listen for anything else, but all I heard was the leaves shaking in the wind.
  A few minutes later, the sound of a door opening came to my ears.
  I looked towards the mansion and let out the breath I was holding when I saw the white hair of Temper Tantrum.
  I walked at a normal pace and meet home half way.
  "What are you doing out here?" He asked with a snarl.
  "I was just looking at the flowers." I said as I took out my IPhone and went into notes. I typed out "there's someone behind me. They've been following me for a little while now. Act like nothing is wrong and ask me to go back inside." It read.
  Subaru looked at me and nodded. He looked behind me, then to the left and then the right.
  "Well, I think we should get inside, it's quite chilly, don't you think?" He asked while he held out his arm to me.
  I gently took his arm and we started walking towards the mansion as if nothing was wrong, but we both knew it wasn't true.
  When we made it inside, Subaru let go of my arm and walked me back to my room.
  "Good night Isabella." He said as he walked down the hallway to his room.
  "Good night Temper Tantrum." I said with a small smile as I closed my door.
  "I wonder who was following me today?" I thought as I drifted off to sleep, unknowing to the man with long green hair and red eyes wearing a black jacket down to his shins was standing on her balcony with an evil smirk plastered onto his face.

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