What nightmares can do...

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(Don't mind that picture, me and my friend have a inside joke and this is what happened... Don't ask)
   I woke up in a cold sweat to have to light of the full moon shining on me from the window. My breathing was fast and I was shaking from head to toe.
   I got up out of bed and walked to the kitchen to make myself food when I heard voices from in the living room.
   I slowly and quietly snuck up to the door the lead to the living room and tried to hear what the people inside were saying.
   "She's ok now, but she's also not ok" one said
   "She keeps having nightmares and we don't know what to do" another said
   "We'll just have to wait and find out" a different one said before they sighed.
   I walked into the kitchen and just stared out the window. I knew who was talking and they were talking about me.
   Yes, I was having nightmares, but that was because I didn't want to leave all of them behind.
   An idea came into my head and I snapped my head out towards the lake. I went through the kitchen and out the back door.
   I kept looking behind me and when I finally got to the lake, I looked around one last time before I fell on my knees.
   The dock was soft from all of the water and you could smell the wood. The water was like glass, you could see everything on it, like a mirror.
   I placed my hand into the water and waited. I somehow knew that Rebecca would be here and I needed to talk to her.
   When I felt something grab my arm, I yanked it up out of the water and saw Rebecca laying on her back, soaking wet, on the dock.
   I ran over to her side and knelt down besides her. Her eyes were closed and she was coughing up lake water.
   "Please, I need your help!" I pleaded with her.
   Her eyes open and I saw that they were glowing. They glowing a silver-grey color.
   She sat up and grabbed onto my shoulders. Then she pulled me up with this new found strength and threw me into the lake with her.

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