We meet again... Mystery Man

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(Well, would you look at that title! It rhymes!)
   The day has been kinda bland so far. I know that the day is actually night, but I'm so used to it now. But back to my thoughts.
   IT IS SO BORING!!! All we've done so far is are, and then right back to the living room to stare at one another. Shu sat on my right and Kou sat on my left. Shu was sleeping on my shoulder and Kou was just staring at the wall. 

   "So, can we do anything else? I'm bored." I said as I looked up at the ceiling. Shu made this weird noise before he lifted his head off my shoulder and looked around. Then he tensed, along with all ten of the brothers. 

   "I-Is everything alright?" Yui asked as Ayato stood near her in a defensive stance.

   All of the brothers put me and Yui in the middle and made a tight circle around us. A few minutes later, the sound of glass breaking was heard upstairs. I looked around and saw that the brothers had confused looks on their faces. 

   "What is it?" I asked, but they all just shushed me.

   Then the sound of footsteps came from the stairs. I tried to look around, but I couldn't see over their shoulders. Screw the tall people of the world. When the person got to the bottom of the stairs, the boys froze. 

   I pushed my way out of the circle, the brothers didn't even try to stop me. When I saw who it was, I knew that I was screwed. 

   "What do you want Mystery Man?" I asked as I walked up to him, the boys behind me. 

   "I want you to come with me." He said

   "I will only go  with you if I know your name, age, family, job, and if you have any STD's." I said as I walked back to the brothers and Yui, who were looking at me like I was crazy. I mouthed to them "I'm not actually going," and went back to the man.

   "My name is Alex, I am 18, I work as a lawyer, and I have no more family." He said.

   "Well, I'm sorry to say this to ya, but I refuse to go with you." I said before I walked back to the boys. They all looked at me with a smile and they looked as though they were proud. 

   "If you won't come with my willingly, then I'll have to take you by force." He said before arms wrapped around my waist and I was lifted off the ground. 

   I tried to push his arms off me, but he was strong, stronger then the brothers. The boys stood there frozen for a second before they finally came out of their frozen state. Alex and I were near the door when they finally tried to get me from him. 

   But it was too late. Alex and I were already out the door and the brothers were slow, even though they could teleport, which, why didn't they do that in the first place? Whatever. 

   When the boys finally got outside, Alex already had me in the woods and away from the house. I guess that I would have to deal with Alex for a lit while before I found his weak spot and kicked him right in that spot. 

   "I promise that you will never keep me away from the brothers. You do know that, right?" 

   "Oh, I know." He said right before he hit me over the head and I blacked out in his arms. 

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