Lessons on loving someone else

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Tomato head and I were in the sitting room, where he kept staring at me.
The moonlight was shining into the room, casting a silver glow to everything.
Tomato Head's red hair glowed in the moonlight and cast a shadow behind him.
It was close to a full moon and I knew that I only had five months left. I don't really know when I came here and with the schedule change, I only got more confused.
"Hey, Watermelon, you should let Ore-sama drink your blood." Tomato head said as he came to sit next to me.
I just stared at him.
"I'm not going to let you, or any of your brothers, drink my blood until my quest is fulfilled." I said to him before I went back to watching the moon.
Tomato Head's hand came down on my shoulder and turned me back around so our faces were inches apart.
"Well, maybe if you tell Ore-sama your quest, he could help you with it." He said with his sadistic smirk.
"No, thanks, and could you please stop calling yourself that?" I asked him as I watched the moon.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my seat. We stared each other in the eyes, like a huge staring contest.
When he is up this close, I could see flecks of dark green in hit bright eyes.
"Ore-sama will call himself anything he wants and you can't tell him anything because your just a weak human." He said with a glare.
  "Well, maybe if you were nicer to humans and didn't think about yourself all the time, then maybe Yui wouldn't hate you so much." I said to him with a small glare.
  He looked at me with a surprised look, and then a flustered one.
  "I-I don't l-like Yui!" He stuttered while he let me go and walked away with a slight blush.
  I ran up to him and grabbed his arm to pull him down to my level.
  "I'm going to teach you how to think about humans as equals and how to stop thinking about yourself and about others, starting tomorrow." I whispered into his ear and then walked away.
  I turned back to him and looked him in the eyes while I said "Don't be late!"
  "I'll make sure that you care for others." I whispered to myself as I walked into my room.
  And with that, I fell asleep to the light of the moon.

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