Welcome to my home, little mate

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When I woke up, I noticed that I was tied up. And in a chair. It was dark and I could smell mold around me. The sound of rain hit the roof of.... wherever this was, and nothing else.
   Then I heard the sound of footsteps. They were quiet and they sound like a females, but when the person got to the bottom to the stairs and through a door, I saw it was a male.
"Wow, he walks quieter then I do," I thought as I looked him up and down. He wore a pink shirt with a black jacket over it. His eyes were purple, kinda like Subarus, but a little darker, and his hair was silver.
He walked up to me and smiled. His smile wasn't a happy smile, more like an evil or crazy smile.

   "Welcome to my home, my little mate," the boy said as he smiled that evil smile and then walked up too me, brushing my hair away from my face

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"Welcome to my home, my little mate," the boy said as he smiled that evil smile and then walked up too me, brushing my hair away from my face.
   I narrowed my eyes at home before I tried to smack him, but then remembered that I was tied to a freaking chair by this lunatic. He was even more crazy then I was, and I fought with ten vampires and pissed off a witch that sent me to said ten boys.
   "Why am I here? I don't even know you and with that fact, I can't talk to you. My parents always told me not to talk to strangers," I replied in a sassy tone.
After I said that, the evil smirk that he had vanished and he appeared before me without me even noticing him walking.
"So he is a vampire," I thought as he looked me in the eyes and he growled low in his throat.
I looked at him right back and smiled my best smile back at him. He seemed to calm down after that and smiled back at me. He untied me from the chair and took my hand before he lead me to the door and up the stairs.
When we got to the top of the stairs, he lead me outside into a small garden. There were purple roses blooming everywhere and the moon light hit them just right to show that there were water droplets on them.
I gasped and ran up to one of the and took one in my hand. But then I yelped and dropped it because the thorns dug into my hand. Blood dropped down from the cuts and I looked over at the guy and say that he wasn't looking at me, but at the blood.
   I started to back up and when he didn't do anything, I ran to the woods behind his house/mansion. I didn't hear him behind me, but when I looked back, he was staring at the blood on the floor and smiling that evil smirk and licking it off his fingers.
   I got to the woods and searched for a lake. When I got deeper into the woods, I found a river that was flowing to the right. I decided to follow it.
   When I got into the river, I washed the blood off my hand and then started to walk. I had been walking for a while now and my feet had went numb. I then heard the sound of the water stopping, like it went into a lake or a river.
   When I walked onto the grass, I fell. My legs just gave out on me and I knew I had to get back to the boys. When I looked over the trees, I saw the top of a house.
   "I know that house!" I thought as I started to crawl towards the house.
   When I got to the dock on the other side of the lake, I laid down and just let the blood from my hand flow, knowing the boys would smell it.
  I heard the door slam open and then multiple footsteps before I saw everyone come into view.
   I sent them a small smile before I lost the battle of consciousness.

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been trying to study for finals because I only have 2 1/2 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!
Just to make up for my absence, have this picture to make you laugh!!!

 I've been trying to study for finals because I only have 2 1/2 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! Just to make up for my absence, have this picture to make you laugh!!!

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I hope that you all forgive me because this picture is amazing!!!!!

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