Who's the new girl?

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I was woken up suddenly when the door bell rang.
I couldn't hear any of the guys, so they must have been downstairs already so I decided to join in seeing who was at the door.
  I stepped out of my bed and got dressed in black skinny jeans and a black long sleeve shirt and black converse shoes.
  I walked down the stairs and to the sitting room where I first fell into this world.
  When I walked into the room and saw everyone looking at a new girl.
  She had short blonde hair that reached her shoulders, she had light pink eyes that reminds me of temper tantrum over there near the new hole in the wall.
  She wore a a pink sweater and brown shorts with knee high brown socks along with brown shoes that were just a few inches away from the top of her socks.
  "She has to get better clothes, I mean come on! Even temper tantrum had better fashion sense!" I thought.
  "Um... WTF is going on here and who is she?" I asked as I walked to sit in the nearest chair, which happened to be by lazy bones, sleeping on the couch.
  "Um... My name is Yui Komori and I was sent to live here by my father." She said in a quiet voice.
  "Well, nice to meet ya, quiet one, my names Isabella and I fell through the roof." I said.
  Everyone but me snickered at the thought of me falling, but quickly shut up after the glare I gave them.
  "I'll you your room and then you can come and hang with me." I said as I got up and took her wrist.
  She got up and followed me up the stairs and down the hall.
  I made it to my room and right next to my room was her room, which would help me protect her from the brothers.
  "Well, your room is right next door to mine, so if you need anything or the brothers are being creepy dicks, then just knock on my door." I said as I walked her to her room.
  "Thank you Isabella-chan." She said to me as she bowed.
  "Don't call me that, just Isabella, okay?" I said as I walked tony room.
  "Okay, good night Isabella." She said before she shut the door.
  I walked back to my room, shut the door, got on a pair of black shorts and a grey tank top and fell back into a sleep in how to torture Laito tomorrow. *Evil smirk*

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