Their my parents

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   I woke up to find Yuma behind me with his arm slung over my waist. He was breathing deep and slow so I knew that he was still asleep. I took his arm off my waist and slowly got out of bed.
I walked out of his room and back to my room where the box that the triplets had given me was waiting. It sat underneath my bed waiting to be opened with the key around my neck.
   When I got back to my room, I closed and locked the door before going over to my bed and pulling the box from underneath it. It was large with a keyhole in it. The box was made of leather and was strong with a handle on it.
   I took the key from around my neck and placed it in the keyhole. I turned it and heard a click from it. I took the key out and opened the box to see lots of photos with people in them that I didn't know.
   I took out the first photo and saw a woman standing out in the rose garden. She had purple hair that went down to her waist and wore a black dress. Her eyes were the same as Ayato's so I knew that they were related somehow. And her hair was the same as Kanato's.
   "Maybe this is the triplets mother?" I thought to myself as I took out another photo after putting the other one down on the floor.
   The next photo was the triplets as children. They were chasing each other around the large back yard near the fountain. Their mother was standing in the background looking at something in the distance and not really looking at the camera.
   I put down that photo and looked at another one. But this one had someone that I knew. It was the man from my dream, the one who told me he was my father. His dark hair had a halo from the sun and he was smiling. He had his arm around a woman that I didn't know and they both looked happy. But in the background, the purple haired lady was frowning. Almost like she was jealous.
   I frowned at the picture and got up before putting all the photos but the last one back and closed the box. Then, I put it back under my bed and walked over to my door and unlocked it. I walked down the stairs and into the living room where I then screamed bloody murder.
   A bunch of thuds and curses came from upstairs and then all ten brothers came down the stairs. I laughed at them because all of them were dressed for bed, even Reiji, who always looked his best no matter what.
   Ayato and Yui had bed head and they were looking at me like I was crazy and Yui looked almost scared. Laito, Kanato, Shu, and Reiji were all annoyed that I had woken them up and everyone else looked like they were going to fall asleep.
   I walked up to Reiji and showed him the photo. He looked at the photo before looking back at me and then back at the photo again. He was silent for a moment while he was studying the photo before looking over at Shu. Shu was standing up, which I had never seen before, and when he saw the photo, his eyes widened with shock. He walked over to us and took the photo from my hand. He looked at it for a while longer before handing it back to me and going over to lay on a couch and fall asleep.
   "Who are they?" I asked Reiji before turning to look at Shu.
   "That is our cousins, Derek and Rose. Rose died during childbirth and Derek disappeared, never to be seen again. And their child disappeared along with them."
   I looked at all of them before going up the stairs and into my room. I knew that I wasn't like my parents, but I never thought that I would have been adopted. They never told me. They should have told me if I was adopted.
   I looked at the people in the picture and smiled. Now I knew who my real parents were, even if I didn't get to meet them.
   When I put the picture on my bedside table, the moonlight splashed on to it and made it look even happier. The women's smile was amazing and the man looked so in love with her.
   And when I looked even closer, I could see that Rose had been pregnant at the time. She was glowing with pride and holding her stomach.
   I walked over to the window and looked out before starting to leave. But before I did, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Or should I say, someone!
   It was Derek, the man from the picture and my father. I looked at him for a few more seconds before running out of my room and down the stairs before making my way outside.
   Everyone was yelling at me and asking what I was doing but I didn't pay any attention to them. All I cared about was finding my long lost father. I got outside and saw that he was waiting for me on the bench. He was facing the fountain, away from me.
   I slowly walked up to him and sat down on his right side. He smiled at the fountain before looking over at me. His eyes shone in the moonlight and it was the same color as my eyes. They were a beautiful blue color that looked like the ocean. His hair hung into his eyes and he wore all black.
   "It's nice to see you again, Isabella. I haven't seen you since you were a little girl," he said as he turned back to look at the fountain.
   "I don't even remember you, but you were in my dream," I said as I looked at the fountain with him.
   "That wasn't a dream, that was a memory. I gave you that memory,"
   "How can you give me my memories back?" I asked as I looked back at him.
   "Because I am the one that took them,"

I hope that y'all enjoyed the chapter. I will try and get more chapters out later and I will try and finish this book if it's the last thing I do.
But right now, I am in pain because I got sunburnt on my back and it hurts to do anything. Wish me luck!!!


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