Saddest song

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I was awoke with a scream from next door. It was a female scream, so I knew that it was Yui.
I flew out of bed and ran to Yui's door. I threw open the door to find Tomato head and Pervert on Yui's bed over Yui.
"Hey, Tomato, Prevert, get off Yui before you get seriously hurt." I said before walking over and grabbing both their hair.
"Uh, let go of Ore-Sama!" Tomato head yelled as I threw him out of the room, along with pervert.
  "There, I let go of you, so now tell me why you two were in Yui's room!" I demanded as I walked back and forth in front of them while they sat on the floor.
  "Well..." Pervert said before I bent down to his level and stared into his eyes before standing back up.
  I kicked pervert where the sun don't shine and tomato head laughed his a** off as pervert held his manly hood. "Now, if I catch any of you near me or Yui like that again, I will kill you." I said as I walked back into Yui's room, where she was asleep.
  I decided that Yui couldn't be left alone with those stupid vampires walking around and yes, I know what they are after teddy guy tried to eat me when I first got here.
  Let me just tell you, none of them tried to bite me again.
  I sat int the chair in Yui's room and looked out the window to see the half moon.
  I started to sing a slow, sad song that my grandmother would sing to me ever night before she died.
(Play the video)
  "Well, I know someone has to be missing you Yui, or else you would have died long ago." I said to her from my seat, tears spilling out of my eyes silently.
  I walked out of her room and into my room, before falling asleep in my bed.
  (Third person P.O.V.)

  All ten of the boys were looking at each other in the sitting room, trying to hold back the tears from what they had just heard.
  They all thought that Isabella was a spoiled brat that was sent her because she was like that, but now they weren't so sure.
  The thing on everyone's mind was "What had happened to this girl?"

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