The Final Chapter.....

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"I know that you were expecting me to choose one or the other, and I know that you were expecting someone to die, or me to be thrusted back into the real world by Rebecca because my life was in danger and all that. But that didn't happen. I decided that I loved all of them, and that I couldn't leave nine just for one. Yui still lives with us, but she found a guy from the city and they live in a little cottage together on the property. I've been thinking a lot lately and this whole journey has been a crazy ride. First I was pushed into an anime world full of my favorite characters, and by a girl I didn't like who turned out to be a witch. But we made up in the end, and she still visits from time to time and keep me updated on my family. They don't know who I am, and I was sad at first. But after a while, I realized that I didn't need them to be happy, I needed Yui, and Rebecca, and all of the guys to be happy. Sometimes I'll stare up at the moon and think, wow. How did I even get here, loving ten guys and having a witch and a human girl with a vampire heart in her as friends. But, the world is funny that way. Sometimes something bad has to happen in order to make it great. If it wasn't for me bullying Rebecca, I never would have meet Yui, or the guys. I would have stayed the same mean person I was before. But everyone in this world has taught me a life lesson. Every single person has taught me that I should live life to the fullest. Maybe I wasn't meant to live in the real world, and this is where I belong. Maybe my parents were right to leave me alone all the time, otherwise they would have caught me bullying Rebecca and I might not be here right now. So, whenever you think the world is a cruel place, it actually is sometimes. But there will be times where everything that's happening in good. You just have to wait out the bad times before you get to the good ones.

   I love you, my unborn child, and mommy will always love you."

   I looked down at the note and smiled, seeing as I had poured my heart out to a child that can't read until they reach a certain age anyway. But, I can wait until they're older to read it. When they understand it more. Looking down at the small baby bump, I smiled and stood up, before walking out of me room and into my kitchen. I was hungry, and having to feed two was a hassle. Sometimes I regret getting pregnant, but I know that in the future, I will be the best mother possible, and the guys will be the best fathers, even though they don't know which one is the real father. They will treat the baby as their own, and love it as much as they love me. I know they will. Reiji was sitting at the dinner table when I walked in carrying a box of bread. He looked up and stood, smiling and helping me down into a chair.
   "So, hows our little sunshine today?"
   "He's doing great today, and so am I. Thanks for asking," I said with an eye roll.
   "Aw Isabella, you know I love you,"
  "I love you too, ya dork,"
   "I may be a dork, but I'm your dork,"
   "Oh really?"
   I shook my head before getting up, with the help of Reiji, and walked into the living room, where the rest of the boys were. They all looked st me as I walked in, and smiled at the sight of the baby bump I'm growing. Shu sat up to make room on the couch for me, and Ayato got me a pillow and blanket because I kept complaining about it being cold and my feet and back hurting.
   "That's what I get for getting pregnant," I though to myself as I laid down on my side, my head resting in Shu's lap. He wasn't comfortable to lay on, but the warmth that he brought me was the best. And Shu was a great cuddler.
   "I love you guys so much. I don't know what I would do without you," I said as I looked at each and every one of them.
In sync, almost like they had planned it, they said "I love you,"
At that moment, because of the hormones, I started to cry. Each one got up, one by one, and hugged me. Telling me that they loved me and that they couldn't wait to see what the baby was going to be. I wanted to surprise the boys, and everyone else, on what the gender was. I knew what everyone wanted it to be, but I could care less what gender my child is. I will love them no matter what, even if they have 11 toes or one green eye, one blue.
I got up from the couch, seeing as it was late and I had to rest. Carrying around another little person was a lot of work! I walked up the stairs, Laito helping me of course, and got to my bedroom safe and sound. I laid on my bed, and decided to read over the note I had written one more time before I hid it away in the back of my closet, hoping that my son or daughter will one day get to read it.
I looked down at my baby bump and smiled. A kick happened, and I rubbed my belly, trying to bring the baby some comfort.

"Don't worry my little Max. Mommy's here,"

And that's the end. I know it probably wasn't as good as you thought, but I liked it. I spent a whole hour on this, so you're welcome. I know it's kind of a cliffhanger at the end, but somethings are better left a mystery, don't y'all agree? I wonder who the father is, also how did she get pregnant. The world may never know. But, thanks for everyone who stayed with me on this book. I hope you enjoyed the whirlwind of a book, even if it was a disaster. I love y'all so much, and I will try and be back as soon as possible.

Hope y'all have a great day, and I will see y'all very, very soon


P.S. I forgot my main characters name, so I had to go and find it again. Oops

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