Why do you seem so familiar?

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The person was still carrying me and I was getting kinda tired from trying to escape their arms. My eyes were starting to shut when I heard a door open.
I looked around and noticed that it wasn't the same room that I had woke up in. This room had light blue walls and carpet to match, two doors, a window, a dresser and a bed side table. The king size bed had dark blue sheets with matching pillows.
I was dropped onto the bed and looked around at my kidnapper. He had blonde hair, darker at the top and lighter at the bottom, a tan sweater and a black jacket on over it. He had on dark pants and brown shoes. His eyes were a light blue as they stared into my eyes, almost as if he was looking right through me.
He sighed, got up out of the chair he was sitting in near the corner and walked towards one of the doors. I looked in to see a bunch of close, so that must be the closet, so the other door must be the bathroom.
He came back out with better clothes, black skinny jeans with a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket.
"Here, put these on, you look uncomfortable in those clothes." He said as he handed me the clothes and sat back in the chair.
I walked to the bathroom and when I saw the shower, I decided that I hadn't taken one in a few days.
I striped down and climbed into the warm water.
I washed my hair with rosemary and mint shampoo and conditioner, washed my body with the axe that was in the shower.
I got out, dried myself off and put the clothes before walking back into the room where blonde was sleeping in the chair with his headphones in his ears.
I walked over to the bed and jumped in. I didn't get much sleep the night before and I needed it.
I was about to close my eyes when an arm snaked around my waist.
I looked over to see that blonde had laid down beside me.
"Just go to sleep" He whispered in my ear while hugging me tighter.
And with that, I fell into a deep sleep

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