Beating up the Pervert... Again!

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  I was walking to the kitchen when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
  "Hello B***h-can." I heard pervert say.
  "What do you want Laito?" I asked as I turned around and pushed his hand off my shoulder.
"fufufu~ Let me suck your blood." He said with a sadistic smile on his face.
"No." I said as I continued my way down to the kitchen, Pervert following me all the way, begging me to let him suck my blood.
"Please Isabella, let me suck your blood!" He asked for the hundredth time.
He didn't' even get to finish his sentence before I kicked his legs out from under him and he fell onto the floor.
I rose my foot up and stomped down on his no-no spot, hard.
"Now, you will leave me alone or I will make sure that you can't have kids." I whispered in his ears as I stood up and walked to the shelf, where I produced a pan.
I walked back over to Pervert, who was now getting up, and swung the pan like a baseball bat.
He was then knocked unconscious and I threw the pan at his head.
I walked over to the freezer, took out a banana Popsicle that I had made the day before walking over Perverts body and walking back to my room, all the while sucking on the Popsicle.
"Good night for now." I whispered to the hallway walls before I closed my door for the night, not noticing that someone was watching me from the shadows in the hall.

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