How to take down a guy... With style

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  I was walking back to my room after I cleaned up from breakfast when I felt a presence behind me.
  I stop in my tracks. A hand came down on my shoulder.
  I screamed and took the hand and flung whatever was attached to that hand over me and twisted it behind it's body.
  "Aww, Isabella, let go of my arm!" A muffled voice that I recognized came out from the body I was now keeping in an arm lock.
  "Well, maybe if you apologize for sneaking up on me, maybe I'll let you up." I said.
  "I will never apologize to someone as low as a human."
  I didn't even say anything as I twisted his arm a little bit farther.
  "Ok, ok, I apologize for sneaking up on you!" Laito said.
  With a smile I let go off him and kept walking to my room.
  "Oh, and if you ever think about sneaking up on me again, I will ripe your head off." I said over my shoulder as I kept walking.
  "We will see, b***h-can, we will see" I heard him say as I closed my door for the night.
  When I was in my room, I spoke quietly to myself.
  "You will be sorry for calling me that, Laito"
  And with an evil smirk, I went to bed, dreaming of how to torture Laito for the remainder of my time.

Sorry this chapter is so short. My phone is about to die and I have tgt bed early tonight because Ari have school tomorrow.
Stay crazy

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