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Today was the day that I was either staying here forever or I'll be going back home.
I had no idea if I had changed everyone but I think that I did pretty good.
  I had called everyone down to the same room where I had fallen in all those months ago.
  All the brothers plus Yui were looking at me with confusion on their face at why I had called them.
  "So, you all know that I'm not from this world..." I said quietly from my seat.
"So that means I have to..." But I was cut off by glass breaking somewhere.
Everyone looked behind me to see a man with green hair and a long black coat on.
  All the boys got up and stood around in a circle with me and Yui in the middle of it.
  "Richter." Ayato said with venom in his voice.
  "Now, is that anyway to great your uncle?" "Richter" said.
  "Wait, so this Richter guy is their uncle? What the h**l just happened here?!?" I thought to myself as I was off in la la land.
  I didn't even notice that Richter was right in front of me and now had me trapped in front of him.
  I quickly snapped back to reality when I saw all the brothers stop where they were and stare at me and the creep.
  I then felt something cold on my neck. "Um, guys, please tell me that creepy meegy over hare doesn't have a knife pressed up against my neck or else his balls are about to get chopped off with that same knife." I said as I looked them all in the eye.
  They all looked up at Richter with fear as if I was the one that was holding him hostage! But I must admit, when I feel threatened or angry, someone's manly hood is about to get chopped off and served in my martini.
  "Um, Richter, I would let go of her before your baby making days are over." Laito said as all of them slowly backed away.
  I felt the knife be pulled away and the body on my back that somehow I had never noticed, left and I turned around and gave him a nice right hook to the face.
  Ritchie's feel onto the ground, unconscious. "Well, who's up for lunch after we put Mr. Happy in the basement?" I said in a merry tone.
  They all shook their heads yes, not wanting to get on my bad side, and picked Richter up while me and Yui went to get lunch started.
  We were having homemade pizza and I was hungry.
  "Well,  it looks like I'm stuck here forever." I thought to myself gloomily

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