Who are you....?

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   When I woke up again, I felt someone watching me...again. I know it can't be Richter because I locked him in the basement and he promised never to come back after what I did to him.
I got up out off bed, or tried, at least. Kanto was still latched onto me and he had a strong grip.
   I let my head hit the pillow and Kanto snuggled back up to me. It seemed as though he liked to listen to the sound of my heart beat, almost like it calmed him down.
   I got both his arms around a pillow and went out into the hallway after I knew he was going to stay asleep. The next thing I knew, I was being attacked.
   Tomato head has latched onto me and looked asleep. He was even snoring and he looked so cute asleep. I dragged him back to his room across the hall from mine and laid him out on his bed.
   He smiled in his sleep, something that he never did before and when I let go, his face turned to pure terror.
   He started to flail around and reached out towards me, like I was one of his favorite teddy bear. He looked so lost when he made that face.
   I sat down on the edge of the bed and started to pet his hair. It was softer then it looked and it smelt like strawberries.
   When I was touching him again he seemed so peaceful, like he needed me to be there in order to get sleep.
   I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead. He sighed in his sleep and a smile lite up his face again before his sleeping face come back into view.
   I laughed at his face and laid down next to him. Not moments after, a shout from across the hall was heard and a door crashing open was heard.
   I rolled my eyes and waited till Kanto came crashing in. Ever since that time in the kitchen and when we slept together (not that way...) we had been closer then before. We were like best friends.
   Kanto crashed into the room with a rage face, but when he saw and Ayato together, he lost it all. He ran over and slapped Ayato before pulling me into his arms.
   Ayato woke with a start and looked around at Kanto before screaming at him about how he would kill him. Kanto screamed right back and that's when all hell broke loose.
   They have started to have a full on battle and I was in the middle. Shu had come to try and get me out, but both Ayato and Kanto threw bases at where his head used to be.
   All of the others were standing outside of the room, just watching it all go down. I had tried to get Kanto to calm down, but he wouldn't listen. So I had to take matters into my own hands.
   I walked over to where Ayato stood and grabbed onto his ear, like any mother would, and then did the same with Kanto. They both looked like guilty puppies when I looked down on them, but right then, I didn't care.
   "Now, you are both going to apologize to each other or else." I said to them as they stood there staring at me and at each other.
   "Why should I?" They both said at the same time.
   "If you don't, I won't let either of you sleep with me again and Shu can sleep with me instead." I said with a smile on my face.
   Both of their eyes widened and they looked at each other before mumbling an apology to each other. After they had finished with that fiasco, they both latched onto one of my arms and walked with me to the living room.
   I sat them both down on a couch and told them to stay while I made breakfast for everyone and told them not to make trouble for me anymore that day.
   When I finally finished breakfast, everyone came down to sit at the dining room table. Kanto sat on my left while Ayato sat on my right. I had to cut each of their food up because they were too busy glaring at each other.
   Everyone was walking on eggshells around them and me because they knew that if the boys were in a bad mood, then so would I.
   When it was finally time to go to bed, Ayato and Kanto were arguing about who was going to sleep with me. I was so sick of them that I locked me and Subaru in my room, for I chose him to sleep with me tonight.
   I had come to a conclusion that all of the brothers were somehow warmer then before. They also had better heartbeats, but they were also very protective of me after what happened.
   They made it so that I was never alone and that I had someone to sleep with me every night so that one of them could protect me. They also put my room right in the middle of all of theirs so that if anything did happen, all of them could be there.
   Sometime they could be a little bit extreme but O didn't mind. And I knew that Subaru had been waiting for is turn to sleep with me.
   I went and took a shower and put my black pajama pants on with a black tank top before I slid into bed with Subaru.
   His arms snaked around my waist and he set his head on my chest, right above my heart. It seemed like all of the brothers had some weird fascination with my heart beat, but whatever.
   Some enough, Subaru was asleep. But for some reason, I couldn't sleep. It felt as though someone was watching me and I didn't feel safe. I didn't feel comfortable.
   I knew that if anyone were around, Subaru would have heard or smelt them, but he didn't, so I had nothing g to worry about.
   I fell into a deep sleep while petting Subaru's soft white hair.
(? POV)
   She looked like she could feel me, which I knew she could. She was special like that. She could sense when her true mate was near. She knew that, deep down, I was meant for her and her for me.
   She sleep like a baby and when I knew that she would be safe, I fled into the night, to where the full moon called me back to my home.

This one was a bit longer this time. I hope that you guys enjoy it. And who could this mystery person be? Well, until next time, stay awesome!!!


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