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Derek and I go back home. We stay silence while we were walking but I finally broke the silence.



"Uhh ... Well, you know I have 2 days detention" he looks at me waiting to continue. "And ... I don't know how to control myself that much".

"What are you implying?".

"Can you teach me? In 3 days is the full moon" he looks back in front.

"I guess I could teach you a few things".


"Yes, Yn".


"But without you say that you can't fight against an Alpha".

"Uhh ... Fine".

"Are you sure about it?".

"I mean ... You're my cousin. You wouldn't hurt me".

"So tomorrow morning?".




A few minutes later we arrive back home. We see the door open and look each other. We look back at the house again.

"Fight or run?" Derek asks me. I look at him.

"You're the Alpha here".

"Fight or run, Yn?" he looks at me seriously.

"I don't know".


"Well whoever is in there will come out sooner or later".

"What are you implying?".

"To confuse them".


"Wait to see who it is".


"Nah I'm just kidding. Let's go".

He chuckles and follows behind me. We run at the house quietly and open slowly the door. We came face to face with Stiles and Scott. I sigh.

"Seriously boys?" Derek says.

"Where were you?" Scott says.

"What happened?".

"Well Peter is alive" Derek and I look each other shocked.

"I killed him".

"You didn't".

"He is somewhere out there".

"Fuck" we all heard footsteps and a growl.

"He's here" I say. We all run outside. "Stiles, take Scott and leave from here".

"I'll stay".

"Scott, go. Now".

He sighs and runs away with Stiles. I look at Derek and he looks at me. We all start fighting. Peter throws Derek at the ground. I was already at the ground. I struggle to stand up but I did after a few seconds. Peter stares at me. Peter attacks me but I cut him and his neck. He stares at me and after falls at the ground dead. I stare shocked at his dead body. I pull away immediately and look at my hands. Derek runs to me and looks at Peter's body. He looks back to me and touches my hands.

"It's ok" I shake my head. "Yn. Hey. Look at me. It's ok. I'm here to help you".

"I-I can't even control myself when I was an Omega. I will control myself when I'm an Alpha?" I look up to him. "I'm scared, Derek. I'm really scared" he pulls me to his hug and holds me there for a while.

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