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It's around 8 pm and I'm getting ready for the game when I hear Derek knocking on my door.

"Come in" the door opens and closes. I walk out of the bathroom and look at him. "Need something?".

"To see if you're ready. We gotta go".

"Go where? I have a game to play".

"Yes. I know. We are going there".

"You ... Will come?".

"Don't you want me to?".

"Yeah. Of course I want you to come".

"Let's go then. You have everything you need?".

"I can't find my stick".

"You forgot it downstairs".

"Right. Thanks".

"Let's go".

I grab my bag and we walk downstairs. He hands me the stick and we both walk outside and get into the car. He starts driving. We arrive 5 minutes later. Just in time. We walk inside but I stop before I enter the locker room. I ran at Derek and hugged him.

"Thank you" I walk inside. I go to my locker and start getting ready.

"WHERE'S HALE?" oh no. I turn around and see the coach walking inside.

"I'm here" he looks at me and mentions me to follow him. I walk behind him.

"You lost the last practice".

"Yeah. I was at the hospital".

"You can play or not?".

"Of course I can. I came to win".

"Get ready. Even my grandma isn't getting ready faster" he says while walking outside. I chuckle and go back to my locker.

"Hey. Yn" I see Scott next to me.

"Yeah?" I grab my helmet and close my locker.

"Are you okay?".

"Yup. Better than any other day".

"That's great".

"Let's go. We have a game to win".

He chuckles and follows me. We walk outside and go to the bench. I see Derek sitting with the others that came to watch the game. Just then I notice who is near him. Argent. I guess they saw each other because Argent went and sat next to Derek.

"Y'all better?" Argent asks. I turn my back at them as I sit down with Scott.

"Yeah. She's okay now. Thank you. You literally saved her".

"It's the only that I could do. My family destroyed yours".

"Yeah but you changed. A lot".

"I guess we all did".

"That's the only sure".

I softly smile but just then I hear the coach's whistle. I wear my helmet, grab my stick and the game starts. We play with another school. I don't even know which one it is but that doesn't matter. We are better than them. That's the only sure.

We all work together perfectly but we are still losing. We have to win. We didn't do all these for nothing. The coach whistles and we have a break for 5 minutes. We all go and sit down and take off our helmets. I can sense the coach's anger. Stiles and Issac come and sit next to us.

"Why can't we win them?" Stiles says.

"We have to win" I say and look at the other team. "It's 3 - 0. We still have chances of winning".

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