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"So you're playing tonight?" Derek asks me while we are waiting for Eli and Peter to come.

"Yeah. It's the final of this year of school".

"That's nice".

"Yeah but I don't know if I'm playing".

"Why not?".

"Well I haven't had time to practice lately and I don't know if the coach will like that".


"Most likely to be on the bench" he simply nods. "Better luck next year I guess" we hear footsteps and Eli with Peter enter the kitchen.

"Good morning?" they both say.

"Good morning" Derek and I say.

"Everything's alright with you two?" Eli asks. Derek and I look at each other.

"Yeah. Everything's fine" I answer and look at Eli.

"Ah. That's great then".

"Yeah" Peter looks at me and Derek and then shakes his head. "Can I have a ride today?".

"Well I could give you one but I got some stuff to do by the time that your school will end so ... " Peter says.

"Well I could drive you back" Derek says.

"Cool. Thanks".

When we are done with the breakfast Eli, Peter and I go to Peter's car. I sit at the front and put on my headphones. Eli sits at the backseat and Peter starts driving. A few minutes later we arrived so I took off my headphones and got out of the car.

"Thanks, dad. Bye".

"Bye, guys".

Eli and I enter the school and I go straight to my class. The coach is giving us our tests back but he didn't give mine so I simply raised my hand. When I do so, he sighs.

"Yes, Hale?".

"You didn't give mine".

"Stay after class for a while" I sigh.

"Great. I failed" I whispered to myself.

The lesson goes by and I hate what is about to happen if I fail this test too. Derek will yell at me again. I mustn't fail. I can't fail. He won't allow me to play lacrosse again. The bell rings and everybody packs their stuff and walks outside. I pack my stuff and go near to the coach. He shows me my test. It's a C.

"With that grade you're playing lacrosse" I sigh.

"I won't be able to play tonight?".

"You will be at the bench".

"But- But I have to play. They are our biggest opponent-"

"Only if you retake the test. No other way".

"I can retake it today".

"Then that means that you will lose the practice".

"I can practice after school. Coach, please. I have to play".

"Come from here before practice".

"Thank you" I walk outside and sigh. I fell up to Harlan.


"Hey. Harlan. Right?".



"How are you doing?".

"Uhh good. Better actually. How about you?".

"Good finally".

"Nice to hear that".

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