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To be honest I didn't sleep pretty well that night. I was waking up the whole time hungry. Now it's around 3 am and I'm hell angry. I look at the bag and sigh. I open it and see the stupid salad that I hate. I take the fork that Derek brought for me. I took one tiny bite and wanted to throw up. I drank water so I don't have to taste that shit again. I throw it away and it falls to the floor.


I heard footsteps and lay back to the bed and try to act like I'm sleeping. Derek walks inside. I can feel that he is looking around in the room. He lets out a chuckle which got me scared to say the truth.

"Turn from here?" am I that bad at faking sleeping? "Yn. Now" I sigh and turn around to face him. I sit up and lower my stare a bit. "I have another salad downstairs. You may have thrown this one but the other one is waiting for you downstairs. You will take it tomorrow at school".

"I hate it. It made me want to throw up".

"I don't give a fuck".

"Derek, please. I'm sorry for everything. I promise I'm never gonna put my life in danger. I swear".

"No. You have to learn what is happening when you disobey or don't even inform me about what and where are you fucking going".

"Derek, please".

"No. Clean it up".

"It's 3 am".

"I said clean it up" I sigh and nod.

He walks outside and slams the door close. I heard his footsteps fading slightly. Then I stand up to clean the whole mess up. When I'm finally done it's around 4 am and I'm still hungry. I didn't sleep till 7 that Derek walks inside. I was listening to music and didn't hear him. He takes off my headphones and takes my laptop.

"Hey. Those are mine" he just stares at me. "Maybe not but still. I need those".

"Any reason?".



"Yes. School".

"Don't play with me, Yn. Change and come downstairs. I'm driving you".

"Derek, please. Wait. Let's talk about it".

"Change and come downstairs, Yn. I'm not gonna repeat myself" he walks downstairs and I sigh. I change:

I grab my bag and run downstairs

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I grab my bag and run downstairs. I see him with the same bag of food to his hand and I sigh.

"Your salad".

"Derek, please" he just stares at me. I take it and pull it into my bag.


We walk outside and get into his car. He starts driving. We stay silenced for a while. Actually till we arrive. We didn't say a word.

"I'll be here to drive you home. Call me if something changes".

"Call you how?" I look at him.

"I don't know and I don't care. Find a way to call me if something happens".

"Fine. Sorry".

"Get the fuck outta here".

I get out and close his door carefully. He drives away and I sigh. I walk in the school and go to my locker. Stiles and Scott come to me.

"Hey, Yn".


"Whoa. Not in the mood?" I simply shake my head.

"What happened?".

"I messed up badly" I look at them for first time today. They stare confused.

"Are you grounded?".

"Yeah. I'll be going only to school, then back home to study and maybe if he has forgiven me, he will teach me how to fight but that's not gonna happen. Oh. On top of that, he makes me eat the most disgusting salad in the world".

"Wanna switch?".

"You need your food".

"You need it more. C'mon. Take it. Give me the salad" I sigh and hand him my salad.

"I own you, Scott".

"No worries about that. Now let's go to class".


We walk at the class and take our seats. It wasn't that hard the lesson today. Math. I hate those but it was somehow easy. The bell rings and we all walk outside. I look around just to check that Derek isn't watching me. I have to use my other eyes. I changed my eyes (black to red) and looked around. I changed them back to normal.

"Give me the salad" I take the salad and give him his food back.


"Derek is watching us".


I stared at my salad for a few minutes till I decided to try and take a bite. When I did, I wanted to throw up. I take another. This one was tiny as hell. After that I just stared at my salad. Stiles and Scott stare at me upset.

"Yn, please. Take a bite".

"I want to throw up every time that I eat that shit".

"Take mine".

"And being in more trouble with Derek? No thanks". 

"You have to eat something".

"I will someday".

"Yn, please. I'll talk to Derek if it's essential. Take a bite from my food". 

"I don't want anymore. Okay? Thank you but I don't want to get in more trouble than I already am".

I pull the salad again into my bag and walk away. I go to my locker to take my books. I hear something and look behind me. I see 2 boys walking inside. Twins maybe. We stare at each other.

"Alphas" I say as low as I can. They stop and look at me. I look back at them. Lydia comes to me.

"Yn. Hey. Come with me for a bit".

I take one last look at the boys and after I follow Lydia. They are Alphas. I sensed that but maybe I'm wrong.

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