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Nightmare inside of a nightmare which is a flashback

I'm at the court and wait to listen to what they have to say. I'm 13 years old at the time.

"Yn Hale, pursuant to the Beacon Hills statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted the maximum sentence would be the death penalty" the judge says.

"What?" I whisper.

"Of course she is. It was obvious" I hear someone say.

"What did you wait for from a kid like her" I hear someone else say.

End of the nightmare inside of a nightmare

I wake up and breathe heavily. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks and I touched my face with my hands. I open the lights and look around.

"What the fuck" I whisper to myself.

I take a few more deep breaths and afterwards I walk outside. As I opened the door I saw Eli sitting in the kitchen. When he hears me, he turns around and looks at me. He looks confused.

"Yn?" I wipe my tears away.

"Why are you awake?" I walk near him after I dry my eyes.

"I was just thinking" I saw him turning his phone upside down. I point at his phone.

"Looking at photos? Listening to voice messages?".

"Just homework" I look confused.

"What are you hiding?".

"Nothing. Forget it" I sigh.

"I'll be to my room" I turn around so I can go back to my room but he talks again.

"I just need a little time. That's all" I turn around and look at him. 

"You weren't like that, Eli. Even when you wanted time, you were talking to me and letting me know what is going on with you. I didn't have to worry for something happening to you".

"I just need a little time to do ... Some research".

"About what?" he just stares at me. "Forget it. I'll be to my room" I arrived at the door of my room when I heard Eli's voice again.

"About what Stiles said" I stopped in place and looked at him. He lowers his stare a bit.

"What did Stiles say?" I ask.

I walk near him while he doesn't answer me. I grab his phone and he tries to take it back but he can't. As I opened it I saw photos and videos and even more information about the murder that I did back then.

"Where did you find all these?".

"I did my research".

"You have nothing else to do than searching about me?".

"I'm sorry. I wanted to learn".

"Ask me".

"You wouldn't tell me".

"Have I hid something from you before?".

"No" he says as he sighs.

"Thank you, Eli".

"I'm sorry".

I sigh and leave his phone down to the table. I stabilize myself on the table and look at my hands. As I looked at my palms I looked confused. I look more closely and count 11 fingers. It's a dream. I'm dreaming.

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