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The school came to an end. I grab my bag and rush outside with Liam. We wait for our fathers to come. Just then they both came. We both get into the cars. My father starts driving at my psychologist.

"How was school today?" he asks and I look at him.

"It was alright. We got a test back" I say about the test hesitantly.

"No matter what the grade is, there is no problem".

"It's a C".

"That's okay. Which subject?".

"English" I look at him.

"That's okay. Don't worry about it. If you need any help, I can try and help you out" I softly smile.

"Thank you, dad" he smiles back at me.

For the rest of the ride we discussed many different topics. Finally, after around 4-5 minutes we arrive at my psychologist. We get out of his car, he locks it and we walk inside. As we enter, we come face to face with Liam and his dad. Seconds later Alex walks outside.

"How are you today, guys?" he asks me and Liam.

"It was good" Liam says.

"It's alright" I say and Alex nods at us.

"Shall I talk with your fathers first?" he looks at my dad and Liam's dad.

"Sure" they both say.

"From here".

They all enter the room. Liam and I sit down again and wait. I start listening to what they are saying and I think Liam does too. We both just stare in front without moving. We listen carefully.

"I want to ask you a few questions, if you don't have any problem with it" Alex says.

"Sure. No problem" my dad and Liam's dad say at the same time.

"How would you react if your son or your daughter was running away from home?".

"I would go to search everywhere for him. Isn't that the obvious answer?" Liam's dad answers.

"Yes. To be honest it is the obvious answer. What about you? It happened once. Right?".

"Yeah. That's right" my dad answers.

"How did you react?".

"I searched in every place that she could possibly be and then I contacted the Sheriff station. I hadn't stopped for three whole days searching for her".

"Did it work? Were you the one that found her?".

"No. She came back alone".

"You didn't know where she was?".


"Okay. Umm ... Two more questions. If your kid was failing at something, what would you do?".

"Try to help him out" Liam's dad says.

"Help her out" my dad says and I softly smile.

"And what would you do if your kid was yelling back to you?" no one talks. "Would you yell back?".

"Most of the time she is right so I simply stop talking. She is mostly never wrong" my dad says.

"What about you, sir?".

"The same goes for my son" Liam's dad says and I look at Liam. He keeps his stare in front. "Just sometimes I kind of yell back at him. I regret it later on but then it's too late".

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