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My dad and I have gone to a walk and we are discussing.

"What did you mean that you didn't want to see Eli giving up again?" he asks me. After all that's why we went for a walk. To talk about that.

"While you and Derek were kidnapped, Eli and I went through a lot. I told you some things about those when you first came back".

"About the money".

"Yes. That was a big part of what we lost while you and Derek weren't here but that doesn't mean that we lost only money".

"I can't understand".

"When I said that I don't want Eli to give up again, I meant it. I think it was on July ... 17. He hadn't gone out of the house since the school ended. He didn't want to see anyone. We were just meeting when I was giving him breakfast, lunch and dinner. Nothing much. He tried to kill himself. Twice that day. The first one, I didn't understand anything but I found out about it eventually. The second one, I was lucky enough to see him and luckily I stopped him".

"But why?".

"Because he needs someone else" he looks at me as he understood that I meant Derek. "Someone more important than his cousin. He gave up at all. He gave up hopes. It was the moment that we didn't know at all what to believe about you and Derek. We couldn't believe that you're dead but we knew that you were. We needed proofs. I never told him that I saw your bodies into that Sheriff station room".

"You saw what?".

"It was someone else. The FBI investigated it".


"Eli was really bad psychological. It was and the time that those boys were sending those death threats about us which to be honest those were nothing according to the last ones".

"Why didn't you talk to Stilinski?".

"We did. They warned those boys but they didn't stop. They wanted to hurt us. One way or another".

"One way or another?".

"I was at the store to buy stuff about the house. When I came back home the door was wide open, the room was a mess and Eli was at the corner crying. He had bruises all over his body. His eyebrow was cut".

"They attack him?".

"Yes. They waited until I leave the house and then hurt him".

"But why did they wait until you leave? If they were sending to you death threats too, it doesn't make sense".

"Because I'm not Eli".

"What do you mean?".

"Eli was really bad psychological and he was showing that. I was bad psychological but I never showed it".

"You never do".

"And that kept me safe but Eli got hurt. Really hurt".

"Why didn't he fight back?".

"He couldn't".

"I can't understand".

"He said that three of the boys were keeping him against the wall. The one had a knife against his throat and the fourth boy was punching him".

"They could have killed him".

"I am well aware of that".

"And the Stilinski didn't do anything?".

"Another warning".

"Is he stupid?".

"That's what the protocol says. He gave it to me so I can read it".

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