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Derek drives me at school but I don't get out. I see Liam getting out of the bus.

"Take care" I nod and get out.

I walk as fast as possible near to Liam. He walks away from me and I rush behind him. I managed to catch us with him at his locker.

"Liam, wait".

"Get away from me".

"I want to apologize that I bit you".

"Bit me? I can't understand what you mean" I look at his arm and sigh.

"It healed".

"Yeah. So what?".

"Liam, you are in danger. We all are in danger".

"Yeah yeah. Whatever".

"You have to listen to me".

"No I don't" he closes his closet.

"Liam, wait".

"No" he tries to leave but I pull him against his locker. He groans slightly and stares at me.

"You will listen to me wanting or not".

"I can't right now. I have a class with the coach" I sigh.

"Wait for me for the lacrosse. We will go together".

"Yeah. Sure" he says sarcastically.


"Fine" I pull away from him and he pushes me back. Before I do or say something I feel someone pulling me back. I see Scott.

"Yn, don't" I sigh and nod.

Scott and I go away from Liam and go to class. It went smoothly. All of the classes. Even the one with the coach. Now it's time for lacrosse. I take my stuff and walk in the locker room. I see Liam getting ready. I stare at him as I gather all of my stuff. I take my helmet, my stick, my gloves and walk near him. He looks at me as I lean against the locker.

"What do you want, Hale?" he is angry and I can clearly understand it only by listening to his voice.

"Cut the attitude, Liam".

"What do you want?" he closes his locker and starts walking outside. I walk next to him.

"To talk and explain".

"I don't want to talk to you".

"You will listen whether you want it or not. You're in danger and I don't have the interest to find your throat slit open".

"You're funny. Seriously" we go and sit at the bench.

"Liam, seriously. I want to just talk" he sighs.

"Talk about what?".

"Did you see anything strange yesterday that I bit you?" he just stares at me. "Just tell me already".

"Your eyes changed into a red color" I changed my eyes to blue and he stared at me.

"I'm an Omega and you're my Beta. I was an Alpha but lost my Alpha by taking pain" I turned my eyes but to black. "I have to teach you how to be a werewolf".

"I'm not a werewolf".

"Then you're dead".

"What? No".

"You're a werewolf since you haven't died" he sighs.

"How will I learn?".

"I have to teach you".

Hale Daughter Where stories live. Discover now