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It's finally the next day. I change into comfy clothes, take my bag and phone and walk downstairs.

"Yn, wait a few minutes" I stop walking and look at Peter. "Do you want to talk about it?".

"No. Not with you. Not now".

"Fine. As you wish".

"Thank you. I'll be back tomorrow".

"Is that school trip or something?".


"Fine. Stay safe and out of trouble".

"Noted" he chuckles and I smile. "See you tomorrow".

"Bye, Yn".

I looked at him one last time and after I walk away. I don't know why but I'm not angry at him or something. I don't know how to explain it. Anyway. I drive at school. Stiles and Scott come at me.

"Hey, Yn".

"Hey, guys".

We all get into the bus. Stiles, Scott and I sit at the very back. Issac, Boyd, Ethan and Danny sit in front. I feel like dying to say the least. The place that the stupid Deucalion stabbed me hurts like hell. The bus starts. I notice that Ethan waits anxiously for a message. Weird.

"Yn?" I snapped out of my thoughts when Scott called my name.


"Everything's alright?".

"Ethan is waiting anxiously for a message. It seems weird to me".

"Yeah. That's true though" I notice that Boyd's claws grew.


I stand up and go over to Boyd. I grab his hand. Boyd and Issac look at me.

"Don't shift and leave Ethan to me".


"Boyd" he sighs.

"Fine" he pulls away the claws and I nod. I look at Issac.

"Don't do anything. Alright?".

"Okay" they both say and I nod.

"Are you okay?" Issac says as I stood up.

"Yes. Why?".

"You're bleeding" I look at my shirt and sigh. "You haven't healed yet".

"I have. Something else happened. Forget it".

"Yn, wait. That wasn't your fault. You know that. Right?".

"I'll be back if you need me".

"Yn" I walk back and groan quietly as I sit down.

"Yn?" Stiles says.

"Yn, you're bleeding" Scott says.

"Yeah. No shit Sherlocks".

"That's it. I'm calling Lydia".

"What is she gonna do from Beacon Hills?".

"She's right behind us with Allison" Stiles calls Lydia. When they hang it up, he stands up. "Coach. Can we stop for a few minutes?".

"No, Stilinski. Sit back down".

"It's only a few minutes for toilet".

"Stilinski, sit down".

He comes and sits back down. After a few minutes we actually stopped. Stiles and Scott helped me to go to the toilet but after I sat down and groaned loudly. I lift my shirt a bit and we all see blood. Lydia and Allison enter and look at me. Allison kneels in front of me and looks at it.

"I can close the cut so she can think that she is healing. It will probably help her to actually heal".

"Do it. Stiles. Lydia. Go and make the bus to be a bit late".

"Okay" Lydia and Stiles run away. I started closing my eyes which I hated.

"Yn, please stay with me. Alright? Keep your eyes open".

"That's hard to-"

"I know but please try" I close my eyes at all and I can't hear them anymore. I was back at the place that the fight took place.

"Derek?" Derek was standing there with his arms crossed.

"You actually thought I would die that easily?".


"I'm not gonna die before I fucking kill you" he shifts and starts walking towards me. "You left me for death. It's your time to die".

"Wait. Derek, wait. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to".

"But you did it. You left me to die".


He attacks me and we start fighting. I can't fight against him. He is stronger. He drops me down and cuts me on my throat. I wake up and see Scott and Allison trying to wake me up.

"You are awake" I look around and sigh.

"We gotta go. Let's go".

They helped me to stand up and we walked outside. Stiles and Lydia run to us.

"They are fighting".

"Who's fighting?".

"Issac and Ethan. Ethan is bleeding".

"Holy fuck. Issac".

I pulled away from Scott and Allison and walked there as fast as I could. I see Issac with blood all over his knuckle and Ethan bleeding at the ground. Still alive.

"Issac" everybody starts yelling his name so he can stop but he doesn't. He is Derek's beta. I could maybe make him somehow to listen.

"ISSAC" he stops. Coach looks at me and I look at him too but then I look at Issac immediately. He looks at me and I grab him away. "Are you crazy?".

"I don't know what happened. I ... I don't know".

"You beat the living shit out of him, Issac. That's what happened".

"I know. I'm sorry".

"Walk on the bus. We will talk when we arrive there".


We all get into the bus and sit down to our seats. Ethan looks at me while he is walking in so he can sit down. I look at Issac.


"I don't know what happened. I didn't want to beat him up. You saw that and before the bus stopped. I was trying to keep Boyd calm".

"Then why the hell did you beat him up?".

"I don't know, Yn" I sigh and look out of the window.

"You stopped when I yelled your name. Why to me and not to anyone else?" I look at him again and he looks at me.

"I don't know".


"I really don't know. I can't explain it. I felt like you were Derek and I can't describe it but I felt fear".

"On you?".



"I don't know".

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