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I started waking up. I slowly turn my head from the right side and see Derek sleeping on the sofa. I sit up and try to hold back my groans. Derek wakes up and stares at me.


"Uhh ... Hey".

"Lay back down. You are not fully healed yet".

"I'm alright".

"Yn, please" I sigh and lay back down. "Why did you save me?" I look at him confused.


"Why did you put yourself in danger to save me?".

"You're my cousin, Derek".

"I have been a shitty cousin to you. Why would you ever put yourself in danger for me?".

"Shitty or not, you're my cousin, Derek, and I love you. You are trying to protect me and I know that. I'm acting most of the time without thinking of anything or if I hurt someone by my attitude or something. I do love you, Derek. You keep me alive. I came here after so many years and you let me live with you. You didn't have to but you did so".

"You're my cousin. I would do anything for you".

"You took your answer. I would do anything for you even sacrifice my stupid life to save you" he sighs and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry. I ... I don't know what I was thinking".

"You tried to protect me, Derek and I understand you. I would do the same if I had a cousin or a child with my ass attitude".

"You're fine" I softly chuckle and he smiles. "Am I forgiven?".

"Of course you are, dumbass".

"Thanks" we softly smile to each other. "Oh uhh ... I got ... Something for you" I look confused and sit up.

I groaned slightly but I played it cool. He gives me a new phone and my headphones back. I smile at him and he smiles back at me. He gives me a bag with food and I sigh.

"I'm not gonna eat the Brussel Sprouts".

"It's not Brussel Sprouts" I look confused and open the bag.


"I think I have to apologize for giving everything that you hate".

"Not gonna lie, that was the worst but I forget everything after the burger" he smiles and I take a bite. "Gosh. Thank you, Derek".

"You're welcome".

We stayed in silence for a while till I finished with my food. Derek throws the bag and the papers away and sits down again.

"Can I ... See your eyes?".

"They are blue" I change them and he nods. I changed them again. "Because of the too much pain, I lost my Alpha".


"I'm sorry. I didn't think of the consequences that it would have. I just wanted to save you".

"It's alright, Yn. It's okay. I understand".

"I'm sorry".

"It's okay" I nod. "How did they find you?" I just stare at him. What should I say? That I stopped running even though he told me to not stop running for any reason? "Yn?".


"How did they find you?".

"Uhh ... That's a very good question but I ... Can't answer that". 


"Cause ... We are gonna argue again" he glares at me.

"You stopped running".

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