Chapter Fifty-Nine

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It stays relatively silent after she's spoken. The both of us, just stood waiting for the other to speak. Patiently, I wait, for whatever she has travelled from her campus to tell me, because of course it had to be important or else she would have called; she wouldn't have left college behind and travelled to the other side of Los Angeles to tell me something that wasn't important. I know her far too well to believe that this is nothing.

I stand, my back pushing firmly against the hard, dark marble of the kitchen counter, my hands folded comfortably across my chest. Sammie stands just a few meters away from me, her own posture quite similar to mine. Her arms, too, fold across her chest patiently, maybe thinking that I was wanting to speak first. Though perhaps I should. I hadn't said a word since she told me that there was something that she had to tell me. I just kind of stood there, about to mumble something in response until I looked up into the different shades of blue that circled in her eyes, reminding me of a calm ocean on a summers day, glistening beautifully below a burning sun, captivating me there for just a moment as I wondered if maybe the sky was hidden behind her irises.

It almost made me forget about the situation we were currently in, as all the thoughts I was thinking of seemed to disappear into thin air just by looking into my daughter's eyes - the windows to her beautiful soul. All it took was her long black lashes to cut off my stare as she blinked, and then, with all the bad things that had happened over the past two days, I couldn't help but allow my mind to fill with the most negative thoughts, to terrify me even more than I already was. What possibly could be so important that she's here? Stood before me in our kitchen.

One thought in particular was one that stuck in my mind, when I remembered a conversation that I had had with my daughter not long ago, when we stood in this very room and she told me that no longer was she a virgin. That's always something that scares a mother to hear, but the trust I had in Sammie was what allowed me to not worry or feel the need to be concerned after she had told me. Mostly because I know that she's wise beyond her years, and she's sensible. She looks to a future she dreams of having, knowing that she can't do anything to jeopardize that. But I, myself, know how easy it is to think you're being careful, but then realise that actually, you've done something that's going to change the rest of your life, when that little blue line appears on the stick and suddenly your future becomes something you can no longer foresee.

My body shudders at the thought, and as much trust I have in Sammie as I do, I can't stop myself from saying through a heavy release of air, "Before we say anything else, just tell me you're not pregnant."

Sammie's folded arms carefully drop to her side. She takes just a few steps backwards until she's copying my exact position; her body resting back against the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen. A gap of five meters of thin air separates us. A weird look is present on her face. One that makes her lips purse into a pout and her eyes slightly narrow so that I can no longer see the full circles of blue. "You know," she begins, focusing her gaze on me once again, "I'm starting to get quite offended that your trust in me is so little."

With an inhale of air, I slightly cock my head to the left, "why would you think that?"

"That's twice now that you've jumped to the conclusion that I'm pregnant."

"It's not that I don't trust you, Sammie. I've been your age. I know how easy it is to forget a pill."

It's the small chuckle that comes from her that allows me to not feel so tense anymore. The softness of her eyes and the way her body stands so relaxed also tells me that I had probably jumped to the wrong conclusion here and that my mind was deciding to play against me just to pile on the stress.

"That isn't what you wanted to tell me, is it?"

Sammie's head shakes from left to right as she mumbles a quiet, "no."

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