Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Louis had driven us to the beach, strangely since it was eight o clock at night and not exactly the time you would visit the beach. The humidity in the air kept us warm as we walked along the sand, hand in hand, carrying our shoes in the other hand. Louis holding what looked to be a blanket under his arm.

There was no feel of a breeze, even though we were close to the tide, and a full moon sat beautifully in the sky, casting shadows along the ripples of the calm sea. The sky wasn't even black, but in fact a dark blue color, allowing every single star in the sky to be seen. It was honestly one of the most incredible things I had ever seen.

We climbed over a few rocks - Louis pulling me up them more like - until we were at a section of the beach that was closed off from the rest. The rocks around it made it private and the only sound coming from the sea made it the most peaceful place on Earth.

I take in my surroundings with a smile glued to my face. I noticed a small wooden hut towards the back of the sand, beautifully painted in a glossy white paint. It had definitely been here for a good few years.

"My next door neighbor used to own that," Louis says to me as he lays the navy blue blanket down on the sand. "He moved to Australia around eighteen months ago though, so it's empty now. That's how I know about this place. He used to let me bring my friends here on the weekends."

I laugh at his words, imagining him and his friends, and a whole lot of underage drinking going on. Oh how our childhoods were different. I was barely allowed to look at alcohol at sixteen years old, never mind drink it. Well, apart from that one time I let myself get wasted at a party and got caught by Katy...but we won't go into that one.

I giggle at the memory.

"It's nice here," I smile.

Louis pats the vacant space beside him on the blanket, "it's great. So much open space but it's always empty."

I sit myself down beside him, allowing the now soft breeze to run through my hair and cool me down. I relaxed, putting my elbows down into the blanket to prop me up. We just looked out at the sea, listening to it as it gently approached the beach, then back out again, continuously.

Lou had ran inside to the hut, leaving me to enjoy this beautiful view on my own. I admired the way the moon's reflection lit up the water, creating a spotlight in the middle of the sea. I had to fight the urge to go swimming right now.

"Here we go."

Louis had returned with what looked to be a hamper of food. I grinned cutely at the effort he had gone to. It was strange to think that the boy that I first ever spoke to because he was hiding under my table after being caught with alcohol in his dorm, was now doing something like this for me. It just goes to show that you should never judge a person if you barely know them at all.

"You made food?" I accidentally ask in surprise, to which he laughs.

"Nope. I bought food though," a grin appears on his incredible face. "I hope you like Tacos, because if you don't then..." I see his eyebrows crease as he thinks, "well then it's just tough luck," Lou shrugs. "I didn't really go for much of a variety, sorry about-"

I quickly lean across the blanket, pulling Lou's lips to my own to shut him up. I feel the corners of his lips curl into a smile as we share a kiss.

"I love Tacos, thank you."

For the next fifteen minutes, we managed to completely demolish every last taco, whilst being idiots and messing around in the process. I currently stood on the sand, hands on hips, with a smirk attached to my face. I was trying to act mad, but seriousness just wasn't my thing.

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