The End

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[Eighteen months later]

"And we are so pleased with the weather across London today, with a high of 30 degrees. But unfortunately, I'm inside a recording studio, being the lovely person playing all of your favourite songs, whilst everybody else enjoys what will probably be the only sunny day we get for the rest of the year here in Britain." Nick Grimshaw moans down the radio, and I grunt over at Louis, who has his eyes fixed on the road as he drove. The traffic this morning was as horrendous as every Monday morning, and by the way his jaw clenched and his eyes kept rolling to the back of his head, I could see he was getting pissed off.
"Tell you something I miss about being in California... Waking up and knowing you're going to be seeing beautiful sunshine over the horizon. You can never call it here."
"And we're in British summer time, right?" Louis questions, to which I nod.
"Yup," I pop the p, "British summer time and this is the first sunny day we've had all season. Typical, typical British weather."
We drove along the main roads of London, sitting at a red light just outside of the Big Ben. I looked out of the window to the left of me, seeing mothers and their children, husbands and wives walking along the street - arm in arm. London had greeted me just as I had expected when I moved here. The red buses, black cabs, grey clouds. I didn't really expect any different. The streets were filled with endless rows of houses and shops, apartments and buildings, the majority of them all brick, and finally the River Thames flowing peacefully through the centre.
I had a deep love for Britain, though. I was intrigued by the history of the country, and I adored the people. Always so polite and, I guess I like to use the word, 'proper'. I seemed to find it so interesting how a country so small on the map of the Earth, stood so powerful and so strong.
"Do these lights want to change or are we just supposed to sit here all day?" Louis moaned.
I smirked at his annoyance. I knew he hated driving but I still hadn't really gotten used to driving in this country yet, and being on the left hand side of the road, other than the right, so I had suggested to him that he should take the wheel this morning.
I hear him then mutter a, "finally!" Under his breath once the lights had switched to green.
Living in London had changed both of our lives. For the better. We had gained independence and grown even closer than ever. Louis had managed to continue his studies at Cambridge University and began Biomedical Science. Something which he said he had been passionate about as a kid. His dad had lead him down the path to believe that he couldn't achieve anything like that when he was a child, but in fact he was going to fail in life when he was older. Louis always underestimated his intelligence because of it, but being in London, away from all that, and finally being free in the world to actually do what he pleases and what makes him happy, he's had a chance to prove that all the harsh words his father threw at him as a child were in fact completely false. Now, he is a stronger, better person because of it. And I am so proud of him. Louis' dad was the one now behind bars, incarcerated in Los Angeles and serving a seven year sentence. It wasn't long after we moved to Britain that he was charged with his involvement in the incident at the gas station, and, then not long after that, some people he used to work with came forward with evidence of his abuse towards Louis as a child. 
"Alright, so am I coming with you or-?"

"What?" I question, raising an eyebrow. "No, of course you're not. You can't see me in my dress before the big day." 

"Babe, I don't think it works that way," he chuckles to himself, giving me a small smirk in the process.
"Oh it does. I'm meeting Shannon, Aunt Diane, Mary and Tamra there anyway, so it's a girl thing."
"Don't worry, I have my suit fitting anyway so I'm not going to be crashing the party. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see you in your dress."
I smiled to myself at the thought. I was beyond excited for tomorrow. After months of planning, preparing and making everything perfect, it was finally all coming together and would soon be a day I would remember for the rest of my life. It had been a long time coming, but finally it was happening.
I stretched across my seat, pouting my lips cutely to Lou as he brought the car to a halt. I could see him eyeing the nude shade of lipstick that I had on and realising he soon would be wearing it too, though it didn't stop him from pressing his lips against mine and softly leaving a kiss.
"I'm going to miss you," I whisper between our lips, and he lightly touches my nose with his.
"It's only one sleep," he whispers back, "one sleep until the wedding babe, and then I'm all yours again."
"I know," I whine, "but can't you just stay with me tonight."
"You know I'm not allowed to do that," he smirks. "The guys would kill me, and I'm sure all the girls would want you to be with them tonight. Lots of last minute preparations I'm sure." He uses his hand to move a fallen piece of hair away from my cheek, before softly kissing my forehead. "Go on. I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful girl. I can't wait to see how incredible you'll look in your dress."
I feel my cheeks burn. Somehow he always managed to make me blush.
"I'll see you in the morning. I love you."
He leaves a final soft kiss on my cheek, "and I love you."
I pulled up the hood of my grey sweatshirt and pulled down my Raybans. The last thing I needed right now during my final wedding fitting was to be spotted by fans and paparazzi, so I kept my head down and my face out of sight.
"Hey," I hear Louis shout behind me.
I spin on my heels and see him sticking his head out of the car window. "Look what's just come on the radio." Louis then turns up the radio in the car so that I'm met the sound of Nick Grimshaw's voice once again. "And now, we're going to be playing the UK's official number one of the week, and it's the debut single from Sammie Hudson-James on the charts this week. This is the 20 year olds first single from her debut album which has just been confirmed as the number one album on iTunes, also making it as the fastest selling album of the year! Here we have Sammie Hudson-James with her number one single, Wherever You Go."
"Yesssssssss!" Louis cheers out of the car window and I cover my face with my hood as I laugh. "That's my girl!" He shouts and he puts his foot on the gas and, with a cute wink goodbye, continues off down the road.
"Jesus," I laugh to myself as I step up the stairs and head in to Elizabeth's Gowns.
This month had been the biggest month of my career. Perhaps even the biggest month of my life. My debut single had first hit the number one spot in over 80 countries around the world, including the UK, United States and Australia, which had set the beginning of my career off to an incredible high. Then just yesterday, my album had been confirmed at the number one spot in over 120 countries around the world, and named the fastest selling album of the year, along with the fastest selling album from an under 21 in the past six years. Things had just changed completely since then, and everyday something big seemed to happen in my career. One day it was Beyoncé tweeting about her love for my album; then it was being asked to perform at the 4th of July celebrations on a stage in front of 100,000 people, including the likes of former President Obama. There seemed to be no stopping over the past four weeks, sometimes I would wake up and not even know what day it was, or what country I was in, but I was finally able to calm it back down and return to reality to get myself ready for the day I had been waiting all year for. When the date was set, it seemed like the wait was going to be forever. Yet after all the planning, engagement celebrations and fittings, the day was finally upon us. And honestly? I was so nervous. I guess because all I wanted in the world, was for tomorrow to be absolutely perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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