Chapter Fourty-Seven

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I must have remained in my exact position for around three minutes straight. No movement, no talking, barely even breathing. My chest was tight and I felt as though I was suffocating. As if there were a ton of bricks being rested on my chest, weighing down onto my lungs and heart, making my body struggle to do anything but stay still. And even that was a challenge.

How do I tell my boyfriend? How do I tell my parents? How do I tell my children?

Those three questions were a cycle in my mind. I can't leave my children. I could never leave my children.

Every ounce of feeling just disappeared from my body, draining out from my head downwards, until I was sat completely numb. The presence of the two doctors in front of me became nonexistent, and in my mind I was sat in a room on my own. There was no noise, no people, no nothing. Just me, surrounded by four white walls and a cloud of thick air that rattled my lungs as I inhaled it into my slowly deteriorating body.

I tried to listen to the voices inside of my head, but for the first time, there were none. Everything was just blank. My heart was beating loud enough for me to hear it. My body trembled as I tried to actually process what I had just been told.

"C-cancer?" Was all I managed to breathe out, my voice barely above a whisper. More like a cold croak that I had to force out of my dry throat.

I looked up to meet the eyes of Doctor Kingsley. He looked back, sadness filling his irises. He noticed the tremors my body was making, and how my skin had turned into an ice cold sheet of white from head to toe.

"We want to do some tests first, but the chance of this being what we think it is... is fairly high." The second doctor tells me, and with that, I inhale a sharp breath of air through my closed teeth.

"It's called Gastric Cancer, Katy," Dr Kingsley says softly, sitting forwards in his seat.

"I haven't heard of it," I mumble. Which I hadn't. Everyone hears of the cancers like breast cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer and bowel cancer. But Gastric Cancer? That wasn't something I had heard of before. Though to me it didn't really matter at the minute. All in all, each one of those disgusting things are cancers.

"It's cancer of the stomach. Around 10,000 people a year in the United States get diagnosed with it. That might sound a lot, but compared to statistics of other cancers, and then taking into account the size of the US, it's actually very little. Gastric cancer is actually a very uncommon type of cancer." Dr Kingsley in forms me, but I think this was all too much for me to take in. The information wasn't sinking in and my mind was in complete shock. It took me longer to unjumble his words in my mind to form sentences, and even longer for me to understand what those words meant.

"Why me?" Comes out in a quiet breath, as my head drops forward into the palm of my sweaty hand. A sign of defeat.

"I wish I could answer that question, but, it's just one of those things. There's no explanation, no reason, no nothing. It just happens." He says. "We want to see you first thing tomorrow morning to do some tests, so then we can say for sure. If this is..." I see the movement of his neck as he gulps, "...cancer..." He says through a single breath, "then we will have a talk and see what options we have. We will give you all the help you need and do everything in our power to get you well again."

I look Dr Kingsley dead in the eye, biting down harshly onto the soft skin of my bottom lip, sending my teeth straight into the centre of my skin. "This could kill me, couldn't it?"

My doctor's eyes slowly close as a sigh escapes from his lips. When his eyes reopen, he nods his head. "Death is always a risk with any kind of cancer, yes."

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