Chapter Twenty-Two

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Louis closes the door behind him, being fairly silent incase he was interrupting something. He turned back around and greeted us all with a smile. The first thing I noticed was how his normal everyday quiff was nowhere to be seen. His hair was completely flat today. It swept effortlessly across his forehead, short at either sides.

Louis walks over to my bed as he lifts up a bouquet of mixed pink and white flowers. They were absolutely beautiful. This was definitely something I was not expecting from him.

For the first time, Louis' eyes meet mine and a small smile breaks out onto his face.

"I never buy flowers so I didn't know what to even look for," he laughs, placing them down on the table beside me, "but I hope my choice wasn't too bad."

His smile is contagious and I find myself stupidly grinning at him. I think it was partially to do with the vision I had in my head of Louis of all people stood buying flowers. That wasn't his thing, but I appreciated that he did.

"They're beautiful, Lou. Thank you."

He just simply nods as he approaches me. I see the slight awkwardness on his face as he doesn't know what to do with himself. At first I thought he was going to embrace me in a hug, but I think once he realised he couldn't quite get to me, he aborted that plan. Instead, he just gently brushes my cheek with his thumb before saying, "you scared me to death you know that? But I'm really glad you're okay."

I just smile sweetly back at him as he sits himself on the arm of Jessa's chair. I pick up on the weird look Louis gives Ste, probably confused as to who he was, so I decide on being the decent person and introducing them all to one another.

I nudge Ste with my elbow, "This is Louis, Jessa and Daniel."

"Dan," Dan corrects me, but he knew I used his full name purposely just to mess with him.

"They're friends from college. I share a room with Jessa too." I inform him, before looking towards my friends, "guys this is Ste. We were friends back in Santa Barbara." I decided that was the best way to introduce him. Saying 'he was my boyfriend back in Santa Barbara' might make it slightly awkward for everyone.

I wasn't entirely sure whether I had mentioned Ste to Louis, or the relationship me and Ste had had, but I think he did a good job figuring it out himself.

They all exchanged hellos and how are yous, before me and my mom began tucking straight into our McDonald's that had been so kindly brought to us by Jessa.

I don't really listen to the conversation that is then started about Dan's hilarious soccer match that happened the other week, but too busy filling up my body with around a thousand calories just from my burger. It was crazy how good this stuff tastes, but how bad it is for your body.

I look over at my mom, who is dipping a fry into her ketchup with a smirk wiped straight across her face. I narrow my eyes as I chew, trying to figure out what she's finding so funny. Her eyes then meet mine and she bites her cheeks to stop her from laughing.

"What?" I ask her, whilst the others are engaged in conversation.

"Nothing," she says through a breath.

Louis' attention has now been diverted away from the conversation as he notices my mom giggling. He looks at her, then at me, and when the same humoured look then appears on his face, I figure out that it's something to do with me.

"Here," Lou laughs, "I got it," but before he can get across to me, Ste turns my head away and wipes my nose with his thumb.

"You had sauce on your nose, Sammie," Ste chuckles, and Louis just sits back down quietly.

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