Chapter Seventeen

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I was pulled out of my happy flashback by a light prodding to my side. Just by the scent entering my nose and the sound of his breathing, I knew straight away it was Oliver.

I just remained looking out of the window, my side leaning against the wall so my head could just about rest on the cold brick. I sighed.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He says quietly.

Oliver stands opposite me with one hand pushed in his pocket, the other leaning against the window. His eyes switch from the view to me, and back again.

I nod my head slowly, "Sammie loves watching the sun set."

We stand there for another couple of minutes, until the sun is almost completely gone. The building lights light up the streets of LA as the night time starts to slowly fade in, and I realize that another day has gone. Tomorrow is ready to begin.

"Tamra's took Lucas home. He looks pretty tired so he should sleep fairly quickly for her," Oliver tells me, "Oh, and there's a young boy - a friend of Sammie's I think - he's sat down round the corner."

Again, I just nod, not taring my eyes away from the beautiful view that lies in front of me for just a second. I exhale deeply.

"Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls, Oliver?" My voice is cold.

The feel of his hand resting on my back is then present, and warm air from his breath sticks to the side of my face.

"Katy, I left my phone in the hotel whilst I was in a meeting with Stewart. It lasted longer than I expected and I only ended up getting back to the hotel at around 11.30 last night. I was rushed back out first thing this morning and I suppose I just didn't think to grab my phone. Me and Stewart were sat in a meeting earlier on and I saw it come up on the TV. The first thing I did was run straight out of there and come here as quickly as I could."

His voice was almost pleading with me. That's when I realized that he was in a black smart suit. Guilt took over my body, but it's not my fault that I had a go at him earlier on. This hospital, along with being completely in the dark about what's going on with my own daughter, was just driving me insane. I'd had to keep all my anger inside that when the first chance I got to just blow up came, I damn well took it. Unfair of me, I know.

"Wait, what did you think I was doing?" He then asks, and my breathing freezes.

For the first time, I look up at him, but just shrugging my shoulders. I honestly didn't know what I thought, but I had certain...bad feelings at the time.

"I don't know, Oliver."

He laughed sarcastically, "please, please don't tell me you thought I was...having an affair or something?" Oliver turns me slightly so that I'm in his full view, pressing his hands against my shoulders. "Katy, you're the mother of my children. We've got a daughter together, and we've just had a little boy...I love you, and I do everything I possibly can for our family... Just tell me you didn't think that."

I look up at him with almost sorry eyes, "I don't know what I thought. All different things were running through my mind. I haven't-"

He steps closer to me,"how could you even think that I would do anything to hurt you and our family," he whispers coldly, before turning away and walking off. He doesn't even look back, nor does he speak a word, he just walks away from me.

I didn't even get a chance to explain to him. Surely he should be able to see the stress that I'm under, and how hard this past 24 hours has been for me. Especially going through it without him. But here I was again, on my own.

Instead of staying there like I had originally planned, and just leaving things how they were, I decided that if I had any chance of getting through all of what's going on with Sammie, I needed the man I love by my side.

I walk up the corridor, noticing how the hospital lights had gotten brighter due to it being darker outside. The hairs on my bare arms rose on my skin as I started to get colder. It was just turning 8pm and we had still heard nothing about Sammie. She had now been in surgery for four hours.

I turned around the corner, seeing Louis sat on his own in a blue hospital chair. His eyes are clearly being forces open as he sits there staring down at his clasped hands.

"Louis, have you seen Oliver?" I ask him, starting to panick at the fact he isn't here.

"Yeah, he went to get some water he said," he points to the corridor on the left, "down there."

"Thank you."

I pace straight down the corridor, looking around me for Oliver. It was quiet, and actually quite scary being here on my own with no one around. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms hoping to try and walm myself up, but it really wasn't working and now I had found myself lost in a maze of corridors.

That was until the back of a black blazer caught my eye. Then of course, a head of blonde hair. I sighed in relief.

I quickly ran over to him, spinning him around to face me with his arm, seeing his water splash out of his plastic cup as I do, but I don't care.

"I have never been so scared in my entire life, Oliver. I have hardly slept, and whenever I do I have dreams of the most awful things happening to Sammie and it terrifies me. I'm sorry if you thought that I thought less of you, but I don't. I'm just tired and confused and I need you. I love you...a-and I need you to just hold me for a while because I can't do this on my own, Ol. I just- I just-"

As I broke down hysterically, I was pulled into his warm arms. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, gripping onto his blazer so hard that I was afraid my nails were close to piercing my skin.

"It's okay. I'm here now, Darling, I'm here."

I look up at him, the tears still trickling down my face as I sob. I lean into him, my lips coming into contact with his for the first time in three days, and I just kiss him so passionately. My hands are pressed up against his chest, feeling his heart beating under his skin. I pour out all of my feelings, putting everything I have into my kiss, almost as if I'm letting him know how much I need him. Because I know full well, that with out Oliver beside me, I have no chance of being able to get through this.


Guys! Hey! I don't really do these author's notes, but I need to thank you all so much for the support with this story. The past two chapters have been short due to revision for my upcoming exams, which is disappointing because I'm always one for long chapters, but the next chapter will be a long one I promise!

So as you can see, at the minute were focusing mainly on Katy and seeing how her life is effected with out Sammie. I want to know what you think of the storyline so far? Are you enjoying it? Have you cried yet? (P.s sorry for that whole 'dream' chapter where Sammie dies, because I know a lot of you were in tears at that! Just had to create the drama).

I appreciate and love you all so much for reading and commenting - I do read every single comment. I promise you big things in store for this book! Huge storylines to come! More

Kammie moments!



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