Chapter Four

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I roll around on my stomach, my hair spread out across the pillow whilst bits tickled my neck. I open one eye, squinting at the sunlight that began pouring in through the gap between the curtains. Bits of black hair mixed with my own as I realised my mom was still sleeping peacefully in the space beside me, her hand relaxed onto my shoulder.

"Just look at our girls, Lucas."

My head shoots to the left in shock as a familiar voice takes my attention. Dressed in a smart black suit, with his hair gelled up into a casual quiff, my dad stood at the bedroom door with my little brother in one arm.

"Dad," I mumble. I use the backs of my hands to itch my tired eyes. "When did you get back?"

"About fourty minutes ago. I made you both breakfast when you're ready to get up."

I smile up at him, to which he gladly responds with a grin.

"Din dins Mommy!" Lucas shouts loudy, clapping his hands proudly in the air in front of him and giggling. How could one little boy be so awake at ten in the morning?

The groaning of my mom beside me lets me know that she's awake. She laughs quietly into her pillow. "Oh Luke, you're far too loud this morning."

It's quite hilarious how he doesn't even have a care in the world, but instead just continues clapping his hands and shouting made up words that he probably thought had a meaning.

"Babe, you're home," my mom says to my dad, sitting up beside me. She sticks her tongue out playfully at Lucas.

My dad leans forwards, kissing my forehead, then kissing my mom softly on the lips. She crinkles her nose as he pulls away, bouncing Luke in his arms.

"Breakfast is on the table," Dad tells us before he walks out of the room.

It takes me all my energy to pull myself up out of the bed, and a tired yawn escapes my lips. It feels like everything's how it was before I went to college. Me, mom, dad and Luke. I wouldn't change anything for the world right now.

"Lucas," I said teasingly when I walked through the kitchen door. He was sat in his high chair being fed some sort of baby food that looked very unappealing. I laughed at the bit that sat on the end of his nose, and the rest that was smeared around his mouth.

The smell of sausage, bacon, beans and egg filled my nose. Now that was definitely something appealing. A good English Breakfast. My dad placed down the now empty bowl that he had been feeding Lucas out of, before looking at me with open arms.

"Get over here, kiddo."

As me and my dad embrace in a well needed hug, my mom watches on happily, sipping the coffee out of her mug.

"How's college?"

I sit down in my seat, feeling my mouth water at the sight of this beautifully prepared food.

"It's really good, yeah. I've met some great people and everything else is going as good as it possibly can. Hard work for sure, but it will all pay off in the end." I begin chewing the sausage in my mouth, noticing Lucas watching me with an intrigued look on his face. "What are you looking at monkey?"

His face breaks out into a smile, before he hides his head behind his hands, peeping at me through his the gaps between his fingers.

"My clever girl," Dad says proudly, and a warm feeling enters my stomach. It always makes me feel so much better about things I do knowing that I'm making my family proud as I do it.

I think my mom is especially proud, knowing that I'm going to college to study English and mostly Music to hopefully get into the business that she's in. I get asked all the time, mostly by the others at college, 'If your mom's Katy Perry, why don't you just get her to get you into the music business?' Which is a fair enough question. My mother know's people high up in the industry, so of course it wouldn't take much more than a few phone calls for her to get me some interviews, but I've never wanted it to work that way. I want to know that when I've made it, its because of me; it's because of the hard work I've put in to get me there. I don't want to think that I need other people to do things for me, but that I can do it myself. I'm very independent that way.

As I left the table after we had all finished out breakfasts, on my way to go and get ready for the day, I felt my phone vibrating constantly in my pocket. When I looked down at the caller ID, I felt my face light up in happiness at the sight of Alex's name flashing on my screen.

Our last conversation was about five months ago. Gradually, over time, we'd just...lost contact. It's utterly disappointing, but we are both working towards things in our lives at the minute which leaves us with very little time.

Alex had always had a thing for children. She found their company exciting, and almost intriguing, so she was away at a different college some where in Santa Barbara training to work in a Kindergarten. I know that she can do it. I have full belief in her.

"Alex," I almost gasp down the phone when I answer.

"Hey," she laughs in response, but I sensed the tiredness in her voice. "You're off for the week now, aren't you?"

I held the phone to my ear as I jogged up the staircase, feeling the breeze from the open window beside me smack me in the face.

"Yeah I am. Are you?"

"Mhm," Alex speaks, "we should definitely get together soon. You should come down to Santa Barbara one day this week."

As much of a brilliant idea as that sounded, there was one thing, or should I say one person, making me question my answer.

"I'd love to, but..." I trail off, scratching underneath my chin with my baby pink painted nails, then running my hand through my hair. "What if I bump into Ste?" I felt my nails get caught in the nots and tangles in my hair as I pushed open my bedroom door.

"Then you just say hello. What harm can that do?" She asks me, and I know that she's right. I'm mature enough to be civil and polite to him if I see him.

"Yeah, you're right."

Alex huffs, "Of course I am," she replies in a cocky tone, before laughing on the other end of the phone. A smile crosses my lips. I felt happy that after all this time we can still call one another and have a laugh.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow? If you're free..."

I begin pulling different clothes out of my cupboards, not quite sure which ones I felt like wearing today. I held the phone to my ear with my shoulder, scowling disgustedly at a mint green knitted top that made me question in my head why on Earth I bought it.

"Yeah tomorrow's great. I'll see you then. Text me in the morning when you're setting off so I'm ready."

I nod, even though I'm not quite sure who I'm nodding at since she clearly can't see me. "I will do, Al. See you soon."

"Ta ta," she says in a silly voice, before hanging up the phone, whereas I, then continue to get ready for the day. 

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