Chapter Fourty-One

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My mom's head spins around to face me, her closed lips moist. Her blue eyes meet mine and I can't help but give her a warm but sympathetic smile. Just something to let her know that whatever happens she has my support.

I don't really know what her feelings would be on having a third child. Luke was planned and her and my dad were so prepared. They'd set time on their schedules. Made sure that during the pregnancy they were never far apart from one another. They planned when they wanted to conceive their child, and they were so unbelievably overwhelmed with happiness when that pregnancy test showed two little blue lines. All their plans and hopes at that point had fallen right into place. Nine months later, a beautiful green eyed boy was brought into the world and our family became complete.

They were so ready for it. Now? Now I'm not so sure. Mom's beginning to work on her fourth album and dad has this huge promotion at work which means he has to travel sometimes, keeping him away for a good few weeks at a time.

I sigh, "you know, I'm never far away," I tell my mom, still carefully holding onto her hair. "You only have to call when I'm at college and I can be there in thirty minutes at a push."

"You think I'm pregnant?" She asks me, her eyes filling with tears as the thought runs through her mind.

"I remember you being like this when you were pregnant with Luke. You said you were the same with me too," I tell her, and I can see her thinking carefully about what I'm saying.

Slowly she nods her head. "I get terrible mourning sickness."

I carefully rest my head on her shoulder as we sit there. In front of the toilet, still. On the bathroom floor. As quiet as it was, the room was still filled with the loud sounds of mine and my mother's thoughts. I knew that she felt lost, terrified...scared, and there was nothing that I could do except try and comfort her.

"I'm sorry that there isn't much I can do to help," I say quietly, still keeping my head on her shoulder.

I feel the light pressure of her lips kissing the top of my head. "You being here is good enough for me, kiddo," I sense the weakness in her voice immediately.

"I might be wrong, mom. Don't take this so literally just yet. Go to the doctors."

She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, her eyebrows frowning as she thinks about it. "I don't think you are wrong though, Sammie." She looks at me once again, wetting her dry lips with her tongue, before taking one big gulp. "I think I'm pregnant." She says in a terrified whisper.

A tear falls from her eye, dripping down her cheek to her chin. Just sitting here and seeing her look so sick was utterly heart breaking. She dropped her head into her hand, taking a few deep inhales of air.

"I am so not ready for this again," I hear her say quietly. "This is just going to ruin all the plans we had. I wanted to go on tour again next year." She shakes her head, "that can't happen now."

"Mom," I sigh, rubbing her arm comfortingly, "before you go changing all of your plans, go to see the doctor. You need to be one hundred percent sure first." "I will, I will... But...I need to speak to your father first. I can't keep him out of the loop on all of this."

It goes quiet again. Me and my mom just sit there trying to take it all in. Not knowing what to say or do with ourselves at the minute. I know that this has just gone and messed her life up completely. I don't even think a third child was ever on the cards.

"You'll figure this out," I tell her, clutching onto her cold hand with my own. "You're Katy Perry, you always do."

For the first time in half an hour, a soft smile appears on her lips. It's only small, but it's there.

I stand up, holding a hand out to her for her to take. Sitting here on the bathroom floor was doing nothing. My mom's sick, she needs to be in bed.

Her cold hand fits into mine as she gets herself up, standing on two feet beside me. We walk out of the bathroom and I pull back her bed sheets whilst she climbs back into her bed like before. The look on her face though shows me that she won't get any sleep for a while. Her thoughts will keep her awake.

"Try your best to get some sleep. You look drained." I say to her, throwing the sheets back over her so once again, only her head was visible on her pillow.

"Thank you, Darling. I really do appreciate you being here."

I have the door open to leave as I look back over my shoulder, "anytime," I tell her.

The door closes behind me, and I'm on my own, suddenly hit with the fact my mom is quite possibly pregnant and her world has just turned upside down.

I take each step down the stairs, seeing the lights of a car pull up into the drive. Dad.
Oh god, he has no idea. As I got half way down the stairs, a blonde head of hair came walking through the front door, whistling to one of his favorite tunes that I recognised to be Wonderwall by Oasis.

He smiles when he sees me, holding up one of the shopping bags in his hand and saying, "beef dinner tonight."

I force a smile onto my face, "sounds great!" I try to sound enthusiastic.

My father's grin turns into a slightly weirder look, "you alright there? You've got the face of someone who's just seen a ghost." He steps a little closer to me, bringing one of his hands up to my cheeks. "Is everything okay sweetheart?"

I gulp, smiling to him once again, "dad, everything's fine."

"If you say so," he holds the bag up again, "wanna help with dinner?"

"Sure, why not. Just uh, just give me a sec." I walk past him and head for the living room, only just remembering that I had left Louis. "I left Lucas and Louis outside like an hour ago and-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw the sight of Luke fast asleep on the living room couch. He looked absolutely exhausted. His blonde hair was sprawled out around his head as he lay there. I loved looking at him when he slept. The cuteness of this child is just unbelievable. To think there

"Well now he's flat out,"

"Oh yeah, all that running around tired him out completely," I hear behind me. Louis.

"Sorry I kinda ditched you," I say to Lou as he approaches me, his arms sliding around my waist. "Something happened." I bring my voice down to a quiet whisper. "I can't tell you just yet but I'll tell you later when no one else is around."

"Okay, are you alright though?"

I don't say anything, instead I just bury my head right into the crook of his neck, wrapping my arms around him tightly. I needed one of his great hugs right now. My stress level was at it's all time high.

"Yeah," I say quietly. "I am now."

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