Chapter Thirty-Two

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With my hand still fitted perfectly with Louis', we stepped back inside Diane's house only to be met by the sounds of laughter coming from the lounge. It had just hit 8pm, meaning the sun was soon to set, but until then, the light continued to spill in through the windows, bouncing off of the huge mirror that hung to the right of the hall.

Strangely, I felt quite tired, which was odd because early nights were never my thing anymore. I could never convince my mind to fall asleep any earlier than say 10pm, but I think right now, I could put my head on a pillow and fall straight to sleep. However, I decided not to. We were staying over at Diane's tonight and returning back to Los Angeles tomorrow morning.

"They're back," Diane says when she notices me and Lou enter through the front room door.

Everyone is sat around the TV, with snacks and drinks all set up on the coffee table. Each of them had a glass of wine in their hands, all white except Diane. Diane drunk red. I figured that they weren't actually watching what was on the television, because they were all too busy engaged in conversation. I guessed by the absence of my little brother that he had fallen asleep and my mom had taken him upstairs like she does.

"That was quick," my mom speaks, taking a sip of her half full;half empty glass. "I was expecting you to stay there for a couple of hours."

"Yeah," I mumble, taking a break as a quiet yawn escaped my lips. "We hit a...complication...when we went down there. We didn't want to stay much longer."

My mom raises an eyebrow, but I know she's kind of figured out that I had bumped into Ste down there. She doesn't say anything, knowing I wouldn't appreciate it being the next subject for conversation, so instead she just gives me a single nod. A nod that says 'I know what you mean and we'll talk about it later'. I'm extremely lucky to have someone who can read me so well. If I didn't, God knows where I'd be. Drowning in my own thoughts and secrets no doubt.

"I'll talk to you later," I say discreetly to my mom as I sit myself down in the space beside her.

I feel my body sink down into the warm fabric of Diane's suede sofa, the amazing feeling of being so comfortable making me want to go to sleep, right here;right now. Louis sits on the other sofa beside my dad and grandfather, already managing to engage himself into their conversation. A smile tugged at my lips as I admired the beautiful grin wiped straight across his face whilst he laughs with my dad. It was weird to think that the boy who was so happy in this moment, is actually a person who hides and deals with the most unthinkable amount of pain.

Slowly, my head naturally dropped itself to one side, coming into contact with the soft feeling of my mothers warm shoulder.  A tired yawn escaped my slightly dry lips. As comfy as I was right now, I figured that if I didn't get up and do something, I'd end up falling asleep within the next few minutes.

"Just going to make a coffee," I tell my mom, but just as I expected, she frowned at my words. Me and her both knew very well that I was a tea drinker. There's just something about coffee that makes me feel quite nauseous after I've drunk it.

Her eyebrows arch and a smirk appears on her lips. "Coffee?"

I just shrug, "I need the caffeine," I tell her, running my hand tiredly through my blonde hair. "You manage to drink three cups of the damn stuff a day so I'm sure I can manage one."

I hear the light sounds of her chuckling as I leave the room. I felt thankful that I hadn't decided to put mascara on this morning when I used the backs of my hands to rub my eyes. It stung a little when I pulled away. I wondered why on earth I was so exhausted today. Perhaps it was all the travelling and the hot weather. That was usually enough to ware me out completely.

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