Chapter Fourteen

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"Ol, it's Katy, listen... Uh, something's happened while you were away...I-I don't know if you've seen it in the media or anything. Tam said it's all over the news so... Well can you call me as soon as you get this message please. I'll try you again later. Bye. I love you."

My voice is so raspy and my throat is painfully dry. I shove my phone into my back pocket, frustrated that I'm not able to get in touch with Oliver. Surely he had seen on the news or in a paper that his daughter has been involved in an attack. Yet I'm still here, on my own, absolutely petrified to leave Sammie's side for a second incase something happens to her.

Three minutes and twenty four seconds I have been out of her room for now. My legs pick up pace as I jog back to her room, afraid that when I get there something will be wrong. I could never live with myself if it had.

I looked out at the beautiful weather as I walked by the windows on the corridors, the sun shining down over LA, the palm trees as still as possible because their's no breeze rattling through the leaves. It looks like such a good day for the rest of the world.

I sigh when I walk through Sammie's door, my eyes setting on her as she lies there, still. The exact same place she lay yesterday and all night, then all day today. The only movement coming from her breathing. My heart breaks.

A young nurse stands beside her, fiddling a little with the machines as she writes notes down on her clipboard. I just quietly sit down in the chair beside her bed, feeling about as useless as I have done for the past 24 hours.

"Have you spoke to her?" The nurse asks, and I lift my head to look at her.

Her hazel eyes stare at me whilst I nod, "Yeah, I speak to her every couple of hours. They say that they can hear you, right?"

She smiles at me, her eyes diverting to Sammie and back again, "It's a possibility, yeah. No one really knows for certain if they can or not, but it's nice to speak to them anyway. Just to let them know that you're there."

The nurse leaves shortly after, returning her clip board with Sammie's notes to the table at the bottom of the bed before she sees her other patients. My eyes are just fixed on my daughter, not being able to stop myself from wanting to burst into tears.

My pale, make up free face probably looks so morbid. My cheeks and under my eyes hurt. My lips are dry and stinging. I don't know what to do with myself.

"You can go home if you like. I can sit with her for a couple of hours," a voice says from the corner of the room.

When I look up, I see Louis stood by the door. His hands are shoved into his pockets as his teary eyes look on at Sammie. He looks tired, like he didn't sleep at all last night. That makes two of us.

"It's okay. Why don't you come and sit down?" I say, pushing out a chair for him to sit on.

Within a couple of seconds he's sat beside me, and I notice his trembling hands on his knees. He's lost for words, because what exactly can you say at a time like this. So we both just sit there not knowing what to do with ourselves.

"You can hold her hand if you like," I tell him, seeing his eyes then light up as he nods his head.

His hand slowly lifts off of his knee, before the tip of his finger lights touches her hand. He pauses for a minute and when I look at him, his eyebrows are scrunched up as he tries to fight his tears. His hand then carefully holds onto hers.

"She's lucky to have a friend like you, Louis," I tell him comfortingly. It was a comfort to me also, knowing that there's people from her campus who care about her and need her to be okay. She's got a lot to fight for.

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