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     "Happy Birthday!" I smiled with embarrassment as everyone's eyes were now on me to blow out the eighteen glowing candles on the cake in front of me. I laughed softly at the picture on the cake of me when I was around two years old, stood grinning at the camera in my diaper.

I blew out the candles, letting the smoke now rise and leave a foggy cloud in front of me. I felt my heart quicken as I realized now was the time I had to close my eyes and make a wish. What could I possibly wish for? I had everything I needed right here. So I closed my eyes, making the most stupid, pointless wish I could think of. 'I wish I could fly.'

"What did you wish for Sammie?" Grandma Ann calls over.

"Well I can't tell you that now can I? Or else it won't come true," I reply with a wink, before telling people that the cake was okay for people to eat.

Having all the family and friends in my life come together for my birthday is definitely something special. Some of them I haven't seen in a while, some of them I actually hadn't met as they were from my dad's side, but it was a lovely day and I'm so grateful to my mom for working hard these past couple of days to make my party as amazing as it is.

I spend the next couple of minutes talking to a cousin from my dads side, Lori, as she tells me about a new job she's just started.

"Ol tells me you're into songwriting, how's that going for you?" Lori asks, taking a sip out of her multicoloured plastic cup.

I nod enthusiastically, "Yeah it's going okay. I'm starting college next week so I'm hoping things will start taking off from there."

"That's great."

As Lori continues to congratulate me on what I'm doing with my life at the minute, I see a raven headed figure making her way towards me, dressed beautifully in a pale blue dress that is cut out at the sides, and stops just before the knee. She stops every couple of seconds to say a quick 'hello' to the family of ours, but her eyes then set on me, and a smile appears on her lips. She shuffles her way through people, until with in the space of a blink, she's at my side.

"Katy, hey, how are you?" Lori asks my mom, before they exchange a small hug and kisses on the cheek.

"I'm really great, and you?"

"Oh I'm great."

"Good," my mom smiles, as her eyes then focus on me. Her hand then rests comfortably in my shoulder, the other on my arm. "Would it be okay if I stole my daughter away from you for a little while?" She asks Lori.

Lori laughs and waves her hand in front of her, "Of course."

I follow my mom through the crowded living room, until we're stood in the peaceful surroundings of the front garden. "I want you to come for a little walk with me."  She doesn't say anything else after that, but she links her arm with mine and we continue to walk.

Its only a couple of seconds later that were walking down the deserted end of the beach barefooted, arms still linked, and eyes gazing at the beautiful sea before our eyes. I'm slightly confused as to where exactly were heading too, but the moment is just so peaceful and sweet that I don't want to ruin it.

"You're growing up too fast," My mom says, looking over at me and stopping in her tracks. "Where did my little girl go?"

I smile cutely up at her, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze, "I'm right here."

She nods as tears form in her eyes, and I watch her admire me from head to toe, her eyes scanning me, almost as if she's taking pictures with her mind. I know that she's looking at the girl she's created, the now, not child, but adult that is becoming of me. As much as it pained her to say it, I'm growing up.

"Yeah you are, and I'm so blessed that you are here." She looks down at the Rolex watch on her wrist and smiles, "Right on the minute, exactly eighteen years on this moment, I gave birth to you. I was gifted with a beautiful baby girl. I held you in my arms, just looking at you sleeping, promising that I will always be there for you. I just want to let you know that even when you're a couple of miles away at College, I'm still here. I'm just a phone call away, okay?"

"I know that, mom. Thank you."

My mother leans forwards, kissing my forehead softly. "I've got something for you," and its at that point she pulls something out of her bag. A white, plastic looking material. She grabs my palm, placing it tightly inside.

As my fingers open up, my eyes almost fill up at the tiny band that sits in my palm. My baby band. The band that got put on me in the hospital the day I was born. I turn it over, seeing the words 'Baby of Katheryn Hudson' scribbled on in black ink. I don't think I expected myself to cry, but when the tears trickled down my cheeks, I noticed that my mom's were too.

"You look at that whenever you need to, and you read it. 'Baby of Katheryn Hudson'. That's what you are. That's what you'll always be."

I don't think we both realize just how much each other is crying at the moment, because this moment was just too perfect to ruin.

"Do me proud at college little girl. Mommy loves you."

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