Chapter Sixty One

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"Yes, that will be fine," 

I run a tired hand through my tangled hair as I hold my cell phone close to my ear, feeling my attention slowly disappear away from the voice on the other end of the phone speaking to me. It was nine o clock the next morning and to be quite honest I had not had a good night's sleep. My thoughts kept me awake for the majority of the night. That seemed to be a reoccurring thing for me at the minute. 

"Okay. Thank you. I'll be there." 

Just as I used the pad of my thumb to end the contact between me and the person on the end of the phone, I felt the soft touch of a pair of hands resting on my shoulders. A tall shadow hung over me across the patio floor, allowing me to know who it was without even turning my head. 

"What did he say?" Oliver asks calmly, a little calmer than I had expected, actually. The small intake of air that he took just after he had spoken gave away that he was then preparing his self for my response. 

"I have a meeting with Doctor Carter at the hospital at 12 o clock to talk about the results from my biopsy," just saying those words were enough to make my entire body shiver. I knew Ol felt it because his grip on me tightened, but I knew I was beginning to doubt myself. I had tried to keep it together and to focus my mind on only the positive, but I kept asking myself if I was really strong enough to do this. I was so used to being confident in myself, believing that if I fight for something and hold my own, that eventually I will do it. This? Well this was an entirely different situation, and already I was doubting my fight. 

"Did he say what- I mean, well did he tell you anything?" 

I shake my head,using the tips of my fingers to wipe away the sleep from the corners of my extremely tired eyes. "He can't tell me anything over the phone." 

"Well do you think Shannon or Tam could look after Luke? Sammie already left to meet Louis and I really don't want to have to take him with us." 

"I'll ask Shannon. If I ask Tam she'll want to know what's so urgent and I really can't be doing with lying to somebody else about all of this. I already hate the fact I'm having to keep this from Tamra of all people. I'd kill her if it were to be the other way around."  

Ol turns me around by my shoulders so that I'm now facing him, "she'll understand, of course she will. Sammie doesn't even know yet, Katy, I'm sure Tam will know that this isn't just something you can blurt out."
"I know, I know," I sigh, but of course I was still disappointed in myself. Tamra's like my right arm the majority of the time. She definitely knows something's wrong; she definitely knows something's going on. I just prayed that Tam wasn't feeling hurt that I hadn't yet confided in her.
"Speaking of Sammie," Ol lightly kissed my temple, before looking at me with a questioning look.
"I'm working on it," is my response, and I swiftly move out of his grip and make my way back into our home. That was kind of my way of leaving that topic, hoping that by me walking out of the conversation it will just go away, but of course it wouldn't. The longer I left it to tell her, the harder it was becoming. 
Luke still wasn't awake which meant that there wasn't much noise in the house. I untie the black and white Adidas jacket that I had wrapped around my waist and throw it over one of the leather seats that sat around my glass dining room table in the center of the room. I could just about hear the light sounds of the patio doors closing shut, meaning Oliver had followed me back in. I closed my eyes in hope that the previous conversation wouldn't continue. 

I felt my cell buzzing in my pocket, so I quickly pulled it out into my sweaty palm and saw Shannon's name flash across my screen. Maybe that woman was just telepathic. It seems that whenever I needed her or was about to call her myself, she would get there first. It happened a lot, actually. 

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