Chapter Fifty-Two

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It took a good few minutes for both me and Shannon to calm ourselves down. It was the first time I was able to properly talk to someone about this, and it honestly felt so much better knowing that now I wasn't entirely alone.

I pull out of her warm embrace to wipe the old tears from underneath my tired eyes. It made my fingers feel sticky so I wiped them along my trousers, then linked both of my hands together in my lap.

Shannon remained extremely close to me, her eyes red and her pale skin blotchy, glistening as the light from the windows reflected onto her tear stained cheeks. She looked heart broken, but I knew that she was trying to fight it back so that she could be a support to me. Put on her brave face.

"Who knows?" Her croaky voice asks me. She pulls a cream cushion from behind her and hugs it close to her chest, resting her chin on top of it whilst she looks at me intently.

I sniff up the gooey liquid running from my nose. That was always one of the worst things that came after crying: an awful snotty nose. "Just you."

The brown in her eyes disappears just a little when she frowns. "You haven't told Oliver?"

The tone in her voice made me feel deeply ashamed of myself. She didn't show disappointment, nor did she seem upset with me that I hadn't told the man I loved that I was currently extremely sick. The hardest thing was that she was so shocked that I hadn't told him. Confused, also. Everyone I have in my life is able to see the love I have for Oliver; how honest we are with one another. What kind of person am I for keeping this from him?

The look of pure guilt on my face was enough for Shannon to get the answer to her question. Her eyes soften and her hand sits firmly on the skin of my arm.

"You need to tell him, Kate," she says, but of course, I already knew that. "He will want to be there for you and-" something clicks in her mind. "Wait," she begins, "yesterday, no one could get in touch with you and you told Oliver you were having coffee with me..."

As a sigh leaves my dry lips, I slowly nod along with her.

"Is this what all that was yesterday?"

I wipe a new tear away from the corner of my eye. "I didn't know what to do, Shan. I just drove and drove for hours, then I ended up at Sammie's college-"

"You told Sammie?" She asks, but I shake my head.

"No, not yet."

I pull one of the cushions, identicle to the one Shannon had, that had fallen onto the floor below me, and copied my best friend, hugging it tightly to my chest. It gave me a feeling of some sort of security. It made me feel tired, too. The lack of sleep was catching up on me.

"Good. You can't tell Sammie before you tell Oliver. Not only do you need the support, but Sammie's just a kid, so will she. If you tell her now, she'll have to deal with this all on her own. She will need Oliver, just like you do."

Sometimes, I absolutely despised the fact that Shannon was always right. Every single time, without fail, her words were always correct. I hated her for it, but at the same time, I know that she is always honest with me, and a lot of the time it is exactly what I need. There are times when Shannon will say to me what others are too afraid to say, and she's constantly fieling advice out to me that I don't exactly ask for... But she knows I'm thankful. Even though sometimes I may not really show it, she knows.

"Oliver is so good to you, Katy. He's a brilliant boyfriend and an incredible father to those two children you both have. You need to tell him." One of Shannon's arms slides around my shoulders, allowing me to rest my head on hers and cuddle into her side. "And don't ever think that you have to go through this on your own, because you don't. You are never on your own."

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